Maja Nilsson Lindelöf reveals the embarrassing dinner with Ronaldo

Maja Nilsson Lindelof reveals the embarrassing dinner with Ronaldo

During this week’s podcast episode of “Sorry”, which was released on Thursday, no less than a guest Maja Nilsson Lindelöf, 30. There she dabbled in both one and the other, which is something that no longer belongs to the norm.

When it comes to the Nilsson Lindelöf couple, there is much to be curious about. They live a life that many people only dream of and would just as well have been able to share a little more of. But at home in Manchester, the couple are reticent about their private lives and rarely share who they hang out with.

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Maja has said on several occasions that Victor cares about their privacy and that he is the one who taught her to keep her private life private.

Asked to be in Masked Singer

In the podcast, Maja says that they have received several requests to be part of reality shows.

“We were asked to be in the Masked Singer with that double mask, but I didn’t even ask him,” says Maja, referring to Victor.

She tells him that he would never think of appearing in such a program, so there is no point in asking.

READ MORE: Maja Nilsson Lindelöf posts it on her secret Instagram

Maja’s first meeting with Ronaldo

During the year 2021-2022 played Cristiano Ronaldo at Manchester United. At Maja and Ronaldo’s first meeting, they were at a dinner at a player’s birthday party.

“Me, Victor and our two friends go there together for this party and they are the longest tables you have ever seen, so think there are 40 people around this table,” she says.

When the party gets there, they are almost the last of everyone and at the far end of the table sit Ronaldo and his girlfriend Georgina Rodríguez. Maja tells them that they take turns to greet all the guests.

READ MORE: Maja Nilsson Lindelöf is forced to operate on her uterus: “Check yourself”

“He takes a room”

On this occasion, Ronaldo and his girlfriend had only lived in Manchester for three weeks according to Maja, who says that she is taken by his aura because of the unusualness.

“So I think like this that now you have to be nice. He takes a room, then what you think of him personally, but he is one of the world’s greatest footballers so he takes a room. It’s like there is a circle around him” , she says.

“Such an embarrassing story”

Once at Ronaldo, Maja begins by saying hello and welcomes the couple to the team and the city. But then it becomes a bit too long a conversation.

“Then I realize pretty quickly that she’s not that comfortable with English so everything I say he has to translate. And then it gets awkward, which means I have to bail this out which means I never stop talking. I talk and talk. We talk for 10 minutes. And here I think Victor is standing behind me,” she tells me the podcast episode.

She realizes she’s been standing there too long, ends the conversation and turns around. Then she sees that Victor is standing far away at the other end of the room looking at her and is ashamed.


That’s why Maja Nilsson Lindelöf and Sanna Guidetti shut down the podcast “Livet på läktaren”
