Maïmouna Ndour Mbaye joins the French Academy of Medicine

Maimouna Ndour Mbaye joins the French Academy of Medicine

She is the first woman from West Africa to join the French Academy of Medicine. Maïmouna Ndour Mbaye, full professor of internal medicine at Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, was admitted to this prestigious institution on Thursday January 11. Which earned him the congratulations of the Senegalese president.

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With our correspondent in Dakar, Léa-Lisa Westerhoff

Born in 1968, Maïmouna Ndour Mbaye has spent her entire career in Senegal. Doctor in internal medicine, then head of hospital department in 2017, diabetes became his favorite subject.

A clinical research consultant at the World Health Organization, the young woman has developed diabetes management programs in countries with limited resources and developed the use of digital tools such as teleconsultation to improve access to care.

It is for this expertise in the field of diabetes that the professor was integrated into the National Academy of Medicine. She will now be able to interact with other experts to set up research collaborations and promote medical advancement in the field of diabetes.

As a foreign corresponding member, Maïmouna Mbour Ndiaye may also be required to make recommendations on global medical issues. A prestigious recognition for this female doctor and the university training system in Senegal.
