Mahari died after his stint at Northvolt in January – the childhood friend is still looking for answers

Many are now worried about the safety of the battery factory. Experts and relatives of the deceased believe that the factory should close while waiting for the cause of the deaths to be clarified.

Ybrah Ruusom is one of them. Six months ago, he received the news that his childhood friend, who worked at the factory, had died. But no one yet knows why.

Employees died after working shifts at Northvolt in Skellefteå

  • Northvolt’s CEO guarantees: “Did not find any connection to the workplace”

  • The police: Answers about Northvolt only after the summer

  • – You lose a friend that you grew up with all your life, it doesn’t go away. I think about it all the time, he says.

    CEO: “Security is very good”

    To SVT Nyheter, the company’s CEO says that they have found no connection between the deaths and the work environment.

    – I feel that the security is very good, says Peter Carlsson.

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    Hear Northvolt CEO Peter Carlsson: “It’s safe to work at Northvolt”. Photo: SVT

    The police’s investigation into the deaths among employees at Northvolt is in full swing – but no connection to the workplace can yet be drawn. What the three deceased have in common is that no cause of death could be determined during an initial autopsy.

    In the video, childhood friend Ybrah Ruusom talks about the time after the death notice.
