Magnus Hedberg on the change in Lyxfällan: “More who…”

“Lyxfällan” premiered back in 2006 and has since rolled on in the television box. Through countless episodes it has been Magnus Hedberg who acts as an expert and who has helped Swedes out of financial trouble.

But ahead of the coming season, Hedberg and the production have noticed a change in the applications for the program – as a result of inflation.

– There are more people knocking on the door to Lyxfällan now than before. Personal finances and money are always a current topic, but there has been much more talk about money now in workplaces and at the lunch table, he tells Expressen.

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Magnus Hedberg about the applications to Lyxfällan

But there are not only more applicants than usual, but there is also a difference in who wants to participate and get help in the program, according to Magnus Hedberg.

Nowadays, there are many home owners who submit applications to the program, compared to before when it was mainly people living in tenements.

– The more you own and have, the louder this hits. On the other hand, you also have bigger accordions to be able to take those bangs. If you have two cars, a large house and a country house, together with loans, interest and electricity bills, it is noticeable in several places. The economic crisis is usually greater for those who already have a lot. But it is clear that those who have tightened margins are usually hit the hardest, says Hedberg The Express.

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