Magdalena Andersson: “A terrible event”

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Before the party leader duel in Aktuellt, Magdalena Andersson (S) and Ulf Kristersson (M) comment on the shooting. The Prime Minister says that she has spoken with the Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and offered help from Sweden.

– It is a terrible event, she says in SVT’s Aktuellt.

Ulf Kristersson describes what happened as “absolutely terrible”.

– And we all think of those who have been affected by this.

Harry Styles: I’m shocked

British pop artist Harry Styles, who was supposed to have played in Copenhagen on Sunday night, comments on the event on Snapchat, according to AP:

“My team and I pray for everyone involved in the mall shooting in Copenhagen. I’m shocked. Love from H. ”

Norwegian Prime Minister Jonas Gahr Støre also comments on the shooting:

“Dramatic and tragic news from Copenhagen tonight. My thoughts go to the victims and their relatives and to the aid staff who are currently working to save lives and secure the population “, he writes on Twitter.

Nooshi Dadgostar (V), Johan Pehrson (L), Ebba Busch (KD) and Annie Lööf (C) have also reacted to the incident. Their thoughts go to the victims and their relatives, they write in separate twitter posts.

Mayor: “Very serious”

Mayor Sophie Hæstorp Andersen calls the reports of the shooting in Field’s “terrible”.

“We do not yet know for sure how many are injured or dead, but it is very serious. Emergency preparedness in the municipality of Copenhagen has been called. We are ready to help if the Copenhagen Police so request, ”the mayor writes Twitter.
