Mag Futura’s Files: Can AI Get Really Smart?

Mag Futuras files can artificial intelligence become really smart

Last but not least : the fourth and final issue at the heart of the first issue of Mag Futura to appear, digs into the subject of Artificial Intelligence, with the focus, should we be afraid of it? Do we risk a scenario at the Terminator ? Interviews and major reports in the twists and turns of AI. Discover the Mag Futura, in pre-order on Ulule.

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[EN VIDÉO] Le Mag Futura, first edition
Futura has launched a new challenge: writing a paper magazine! This review focuses on four major questions that we explore through surveys, reports or major interviews. This Mag is a big bet for an independent web media and that is why we need your support.

First of all, the entire Mag Futura team thanks all the contributors for their support for the project on the site of crowdfunding Ulule. We are getting closer to the goal of 2,000 contributions! Your many messages of support warm our hearts and encourage us in the continuation of this extraordinary adventure. There are only a few days left to reserve one or more numbers: D-16! If loved ones (friends, families) around you have not yet heard of it, we are counting on you to tell them that they can still order issues!


Why question artificial intelligence?

Broad topic. Artificial intelligence was still in its infancy fifteen years ago. Today, all of this is a long way off for AI researchers who continue to evolve it, at a speed vertiginous, to the point that it makes its revolution. It is now in many objects of our daily life, at the center of our lives in short. For better and sometimes for worse. Should we be afraid of it? Can it one day surpass human intelligence? Also, is it a good idea to increase your needs for energy in a world which is warming up and invites more sobriety? Our journalists conducted the investigation and met specialists in this more contemporary question than ever before, and at the forefront of the future.

On the menu of the dossier on Artificial Intelligence

Reporting : Can AI Be Really Creative?

An AI that sells its works at a high price at auction, others who even have their own galleries … With the democratization of deep learning, machines are increasingly embedded in the work of artists, offering an imaginary that is sometimes literally inhuman. We went to see how certain artists had taken hold of these new tools … until forgetting who, human or machine, was at the origin of the works.

Great interview with Jean-Claude Heudin : “An AI will never understand what an tree

Can a machine simulate human emotions, to the point of actually “feeling” them? This is the question we asked Jean-Claude Heudin, researcher in artificial intelligence and composer. His latest project, Angelia, aims to create a musical AI capable of playing music with a mock emotion. He explained to us how it works, the limits of machine intelligence and a couple of other things about the future of AI.

Reporting : These researchers who predict the future

At the University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, researchers are taking advantage of advances in artificial intelligence to predict the future. Nothing magic, but long hours of work, until you managed to predict emergency calls for the next few hours and one day, perhaps, death in the intensive care unit. Meeting with passionate scientists.

Investigation : How to make AI more sober and efficient?

Behind the resounding successes of deep learning, or deep learning, the main AI technique today, hides a energy consumption colossal. While the climate emergency rather involves sobriety efforts in all areas, many researchers are working on machines hybrids or inspired by living things. But to avoid the Wall energy, technological innovation will probably have to be accompanied by a real reflection on the relevant uses of AI.

Tribune: “We overestimate the understanding of languages ​​by AIs”

Arnaud Ferré, researcher in artificial intelligence applied to life sciences and researcher at the University of Paris-Saclay, tries to teach machines to interpret human languages. He underlines in this forum how our language is subtle and complex, and calls for humble assessment of the progress of AI, as impressive as it is still far removed from human capacities.

To analyse : Technological singularity, who benefits from the myth?

This theoretical tipping point, which would see the explosion of machine intelligence far beyond human intelligence, crystallizes fears and hopes around AI. True prophecy for its promoters who assure its inevitability, it remains highly improbable according to its detractors, who point to many technological limits. They also denounce a discourse on the Singularity that is far from innocent, committing our future on a road drawn up according to the interests and values ​​of the digital giants.

… And many other subjects to discover in the magazine!

The rocket of Futura paper Mag is assembled and soon in orbit. Now we are aiming for the Moon !

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There are still ten days left to pre-order the first issue of Mag Futura.
You have until Friday 12/17 midnight to take out a subscription and receive it in preview in your mailbox.

What is Mag Futura? A review of more than 200 pages, 4 files on Science which will mark 2022, zero fake news, just Science !

Why is it important to continue to support Mag Futura?

  • To succeed in having a finalized format, up to your expectations: enriched with educational comics, incredible illustrations and ingenious tutorials (objective: 2,500 presales)
  • To make Science accessible to the wider world and to ban fake news!
  • To demonstrate that the press still has a bright future ahead of it (with 4000 presales: Mag Futura is coming out on newsstands and bookstores).
  • To give us hope for the future and ensure the future of the Mag Futura project.

Meeting on Ulule to support the project and participate in its launch. Help us by relaying the campaign to your loved ones, with the hashtag #LeMagFutura and the link to Ulule ! Thank you all for your support !

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