Mafie, De Lise (Ungdcec): “Networking to create a culture of legality”

Mafie De Lise Ungdcec Networking to create a culture of

(Finance) – “Creating a culture and an education in legality, in which accountants are protagonists. In Italy there are no other opportunities than investing in the parameters recognized by the law, even within a moral ethics that brings benefits to Our generation of accountants, through training and specialization, can be an extra factor and for this reason we wanted a great event on legality, with testimonies of great courage from entrepreneurs, institutions and professionals. We want to carry on a culture made respect for the rules, preparation and skills “. That’s what he said Matteo De Lise, president of the National Union of Young Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts, during second edition of the conference “United for Legality”, promoted by Ungdcec at the Azienda Agricola Suvignano, in the province of Siena, the largest asset confiscated from crime in a region of central and northern Italy.

Symbolic moment of the day was the delivery of the “United for Legality” Award established by UNGDCEC. The award this year went to National Anti-Mafia and Counter-Terrorism Prosecutor Giovanni Melillo, in the Institutions category; to the Progetto Olimpo cooperative led by president Gaetano Salpietro in the Confiscated Property category; to the entrepreneur Barbara Mezzaroma in the category Businesses against racketeering “; to Don Giacomo Panizza from the Progetto Sud community in the Civil Society category.

For Caterina Chinnici, MEP, Vice-President of the Committee on Budgetary Control, “The objective is to equip the European Union with new and more incisive tools to allow the effective confiscation of the assets of individuals and entities that violate the law, whether they are Russian oligarchs or members of organized crime. They are necessary tools. , considering the huge amount of funds made available with the PNRR “.

“The role of chartered accountants in the area of ​​legality – he underlined Bruno Corda, Director of the National Agency for the Administration and Destination of Assets Seized and Confiscated from Organized Crime (ANBSC) – it constitutes the first barrier against the penetration of organized crime on the territory. Professionals are asked to pay attention to what surrounds companies, trying to prevent scenarios and prospects “.

Paolo Bernardini, managing director of Equitalia Giustizia, he remarked how “in 2021 the Single Fund of Justice (FUG) managed about 79 thousand judicial authority orders, with 31 thousand kidnappings, 17 thousand restitutions and 13 thousand confiscations. In total, from 2009 to 2021, over two billion were reallocated to the State . Impressive numbers, which show how efficiency and cooperation are needed to fight crime “.

“If professions, institutions and the judiciary – he said Giuseppe Visone, Deputy Attorney DDA Naples – they do not work in harmony, it will not be possible to win the battle against the mafias and it will not be possible to create a culture of rules which today in Italy there is a need. In addition to repression, we need a prevention activity that starts from schools, to prevent the new generations from approaching criminal realities “.

During the day they spoke among others Sonia MazzuccoUNGDCEC Vice President; Enrico Lombardo, Ungdcec junta; Francesco Puccio president of the Ungdcec Study Center Foundation; Carolina Rumboldt, chairman of the UNGDCEC Commission “Criminal Law of the Economy”; Lorenzo Sampieri, Odcec president of Siena; Gabriele Berni, mayor of Monteroni D’Arbia; Davide Ricci, mayor of Murlo; the administrators of the Suvignano Agricultural Estate; Joachim Natoli, former president of the Court of Appeal of Palermo; Giovanna VannettiFree Associations.
