Mad Hunter kills all enemies with just one shot

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Dealing 500,000 damage in a single attack kills every Horde player in World of Warcraft. A hunter makes it easy.

There are now a number of “legends” in World of Warcraft that everyone knows. One of them is the player Rextroy. He always draws attention to himself by either defeating bosses solo or finding interesting bugs and exploits with which he can “oneshot” players. This has happened again now. Because as a hunter with pretty bad equipment, he can do enough damage to just blow all other players over.

But see for yourself how Rextroy once again unleashes his hunter to kill enemy players with a single attack.

How does this work? The most important element here is the legendary item “Pouch of Razor Fragments”. For the Hunter, this causes Killshot to apply a damage-over-time effect to all enemies near the target equal to 60% of the damage done by the Killshot. As a rule, this is only a few hundred or thousand points of damage. A solid area damage option, but nothing devastating.

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The trick, once again, is to use his infamous frogs. These can be spawned anywhere in the world and count as a low-level pet – so it takes increased damage from players that have reached level 60. This, in turn, causes Killshot to send the poor frog to the afterlife with millions of damage.

However, this massively increased damage is then the basis for the DOT effect that is placed on all other enemies in the area – which ultimately means that they have a DOT on them that ticks for around 500,000 damage points. Many times more than any character in World of Warcraft can currently have.

However: Rextroy had already tested exactly this combination over a year ago and it could not be used there. Back then, if the target was killed with significantly increased damage, the damage over time effect just wouldn’t spread to other targets.

For a while there was a bug that the DoT didn’t jump to other targets at all. Blizzard then probably fixed this and unintentionally created a new error.

Does Rextroy find all his tricks himself? no Although Rextroy spends a lot of time getting the most out of certain combos and has discovered many bugs himself, he now often relies on his community. Whenever someone comes up with a possible one-shot combo, Rextroy is contacted by his friends and viewers, after which he tests and refines it himself. In this case, the discovery stems from a small twitch clip from Team Liquid.

Isn’t that exploited and forbidden? Basically yes. Above all, Blizzard does not like the spreading of exploits. In the case of Rextroy, however, he is in contact with the developers and sends them a report on the respective bug or exploit. As a rule, his videos only appear when the error has already been fixed in the game and can no longer be reproduced. Therefore, most of Rextroy’s “Oneshot” combos can no longer be imitated.

The exploit has since been fixed.

What do you think of this trick? A cool combo and just funny that something like this is found? Or does that show how many bugs there are in the MMORPG?
