Macron’s plan to get out of an “endless crisis”

Macrons plan to get out of an endless crisis

This Friday, January 6, French President Emmanuel Macron unveiled his answers for “ get out of this day of endless crisis in which the French health system has settled. The key is a reorganization of work at the hospital by June 2023 and an acceleration in the recruitment of medical assistants.

In front of caregivers gathered at the South Francilien Hospital Center (CHSF) in Corbeil-Essonnes, in the Paris suburbs, President Macron assured that he wanted to “ go much faster, much stronger and make radical decisions to try to get the French health system out of the crisis in which it has settled for a long time.

First measures

First of all, the French president recalled the measures of his first five-year term, such as the abolition of the numerus clausus which capped the number of medical students, decided in its 2018 plan. Or the “Ségur de la santé” which, after the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, had made it possible to inject 12 billion annual euros to better pay caregivers and 19 billion to invest in hospitals. But, from his campaign for his re-election in the spring, he had recognized that these efforts remained insufficient.

Then, recalling that the training of new doctors was going to take time and that it would therefore be necessary ” a decade ” to ” change ” the system, he warned that it would take ” live in the years to come ” with this shortage of caregivers. He therefore announced solutions to overcome this lack by other means, releasing “ doctor’s time with patients (…) our collective short-term challenge “. President Macron thus promised to accelerate the recruitment of medical assistants “created in 2018 to wear them from” nearly 4,000 “currently at” 10,000 by the end of 2024. From the end of 2023, all patients with a chronic disease without a treating doctor will be offered one.


In addition, the Head of State also wanted to reorganize work at the hospital ” by June 1 », and this to make it more attractive. ” We must do everything to keep caregivers in the hospital, he pointed out. ” Which means that we must work together on a better organization of working time “, he added, lamenting a “ hyper-rigidity ” in the 35-hour application and a system that ” only works with overtime “.

Finally, to put caregivers back in the driver’s seat, he explained that a ” administrative and medical tandem », « based on a project “, would be established at the head of each hospital. And he announced the exit from fee-for-service ” in the hospital from the next Social Security budget, in favor of financing on ” public health goals “. The President having at the same time asked ” that we can continue to delete all unnecessary tasks » assigned to caregivers.

Better pay »

With regard to liberal medicine, Emmanuel Macron said on Friday that he wanted to ” pay better “practitioners who” provide continuity of care “. The Minister of Health said to himself, Thursday, January 5, ” ready to increase this consultation “, but in exchange for efforts to allow the French to have easier access to a doctor, and certainly not up to the 50 euros requested.

(With AFP)

►Also read : France: in Thionville, the emergencies cracked
