Macron’s mediation leaves Zelensky unsatisfied

Macrons mediation leaves Zelensky unsatisfied

After his visit to Moscow and Kiev, Emmanuel Macron therefore declared that he had received assurances for an end to the escalation between Russia and Ukraine. But while his initiative, intended to give back room for maneuver to Europe, seemed to have the backing of the Ukrainian authorities, the French president’s speech seems to have provoked a large number of questions in Kiev.

With our correspondent in Kiev, Stephane Siohan

Emmanuel Macron began his visit to Kiev by announcing macro-financial aid of 1.2 billion euros, as well as contracts in the field of railways and civil security.

So much for the good news, because on the merits of the Russian-Ukrainian affair, the French president has rather sown trouble among his Ukrainian partners. The tenant of the Élysée certainly reaffirmed his support for the territorial integrity of Ukraine, but the messages he brought from Moscow did not seem to please Volodymyr Zelensky.

Ukrainian leaders fear that the French president has agreed with Vladimir Putin on a “Finlandization” of Ukraine, ie neutrality, and the commitment that Ukraine will not join NATO.

In addition, Emmanuel Macron insisted on the strict application of the Minsk II agreements, however, in Kiev, it is estimated that there are red lines not to be exceeded, in particular on the autonomy to be granted to the separatist republics of Donbass .

For 24 hours, France has sought de-escalation on behalf of Europe, but Ukraine is not ready for the security of Europeans to come at the expense of its own interests.

Read also : Ukrainian crisis: after a visit to Kiev, Macron is in Berlin with Scholz
