Macron’s announcement on the Prime Minister: an explanatory speech after a press release?

a press release this Thursday and an explanatory speech

Emmanuel Macron is expected to announce the appointment of the new Prime Minister this Thursday, September 5 at midday. The president could explain it in a televised speech afterwards.

Emmanuel Macron has multiplied the consultations in recent days and it is finally the LR Michel Barnier who obtained the favors of the President of the Republic for Matignon. He was appointed Prime Minister via a press release around 1:15 p.m.

It is not excluded that Emmanuel Macron will also make a speech, in the evening, perhaps at 8 p.m., to explain to the French the meaning of this choice, but nothing is set in stone. For the president, the appointment of the Prime Minister is a considerable turning point in his second term, since it must mark the moment of a new governance, embodied by a different line from the one held for 7 years with the support of the former presidential majority.

Latest updates

13:32 – Emmanuel Macron appoints Michel Barnier as Prime Minister

The Elysée has just published the following press release: “The President of the Republic has appointed Mr. Michel Barnier as Prime Minister. He has tasked him with forming a unifying government to serve the country and the French people. This appointment comes after an unprecedented cycle of consultations during which, in accordance with his constitutional duty, the President ensured that the Prime Minister and the future government would meet the conditions to be as stable as possible and give themselves the chance to unite as broadly as possible.”

12:36 – Emmanuel Macron is proposing the Michel Barnier hypothesis to the deputies

According to information from Le Figaro, the head of state launched this morning into “a new round of consultations” with the presidents of political groups in the National Assembly. A step taken to take the pulse of the reaction of parliamentarians and ensure that Michel Barnier is not immediately censored. If Emmanuel Macron must above all obtain the agreement of all the group presidents of a non-censorship who are on the right of the spectrum, Marine Le Pen included.

12:22 – Emmanuel Macron’s announcement is imminent, according to Le Parisien

According to information from the Parisianthe head of state will appoint a Prime Minister this Thursday and make an announcement, probably via a press release from the Elysée communications services, “at midday”. The newspaper writes that “Michel Barnier, with whom Emmanuel Macron had dinner last night, is the big favourite”.

Also read

The President initially indicated that he was entrusting the new Prime Minister with the task of forming a government capable of obtaining a majority of support in the Assembly, leaving him in charge and with the responsibility for this task. Michel Barnier will have to qualify this new governance himself, the words he chooses will be important. Cohabitation? Collaboration? Coalition governance? The President has entrusted the keys to Matignon to someone who will rely on several political parties, including those of the central bloc, Macronists, giving a singular character to the political sequel that is being prepared.
