Macronie is torn apart behind the scenes

Macronie is torn apart behind the scenes

The presidential camp trembles at the idea of ​​a rout of its list in the European elections. Internally, some are already settling their accounts. Follow all the latest news from the campaign.

09:19 – “Those who have time to talk about the future, they don’t have to campaign much”

The Macronists who dare to project themselves towards the post-European era trigger anger in their camp. Monday morning, the President of the Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, declared on RTL that we had to “obviously hear what the French will tell us and learn from it”. On Sunday, François Bayrou was already considering “a new political landscape” after the elections, on France Inter A Renaissance deputy, interviewed by Politico, for his part foresees a “pitch battle” within the presidential majority the day after the European elections.

Enough to annoy those who are still campaigning, and who see it as premature defeatism: “Those who have the time to talk about the future, it’s because they don’t have to campaign much”, angrily Ambroise Méjean, candidate on Valérie Hayer’s list, with Politico.

09:11 – The left-right divide returns… in Macronie

While Valérie Hayer’s list is given far behind that of National rally in the polls, some are already seeking to point out those responsible. A deputy from the right wing of the presidential majority expresses his regret to Politico of the campaign strategy which has long consisted of “running after Glucksmann”, placing figures from the left at the top of the list. But on the left wing, the analysis is the opposite: “If we stop saying that the unemployed are lazy, minors are delinquents and that all immigrants must be kicked out, perhaps people will vote- them for us”, annoys one of its members.

09:02 – Welcome to this live broadcast from Wednesday May 29

The European election campaign continues this Wednesday, May 29. Statements, trips, surveys… Find all the highlights in our live stream.

05/28/24 – 11:51 p.m. – A massive investment plan of 1,000 billion euros to make Europe competitive?

END OF LIVE – This is the idea put forward this Tuesday evening at the microphone of LCI by Valérie Hayer, the head of the Renaissance list in the Europeans. The MEP concretely defends a “massive investment plan of 1,000 billion euros” to invest in sectors which are “absolutely strategic”, namely transport, health and even energy. To finance all this, the idea of ​​a “new loan” is put forward, but also that of making those who can pay more, such as the digital giants, or even by offering “a savings account to Europeans” in order “to “they can invest their savings in strategic industries”.

05/28/24 – 11:31 p.m. – In Ukraine, a “red line” not to be crossed according to Léon Deffontaines

Shocked by the heavy sanction inflicted on the LFI deputy who brandished a flag in the National Assembly this Tuesday, Léon Deffontaines declared on LCI to be in favor of the recognition of a Palestinian state “on the 1967 borders” and to want “the liberation political prisoners. On Ukraine, he pleaded for the delivery of weapons to kyiv, but established a “red line”: “the refusal to send troops and the refusal of French weapons delivered which will affect Russian civilians”. On the economic side, he declared that he wanted “the EU to relaunch the economy around three pillars: protectionism, planning, production”. Finally, regarding ecology, he again affirmed that Europe was not ready for the end of thermal engines in 2035 and defended the idea of ​​a “nuclear and renewable” mix.

05/28/24 – 11:03 p.m. – “We are perhaps on the verge of an overflow which could also be a nuclear overflow”

Questioned by LCI on various subjects, Jordan Bardella notably returned to Ukraine. Saying he was against an army and diplomacy at the European level, the boss of the RN considered that it was not necessary to strike outside Ukraine to protect it, fearing an escalation. “We are perhaps on the verge of an overflow which could also be a nuclear overflow”, he affirmed, pleading instead to “make Russia understand that it no longer has anything to gain in Ukraine and that it must withdraw its troops.

05/28/24 – 10:32 p.m. – Marion Maréchal against the idea of ​​taxing high wealth and superprofits

For a Palestinian state, but not with Hamas at its head, against a war escalation in Ukraine and in favor of a “triple border – extra-European, European and national – which would make it possible to deter, block and expel people who have nothing to be done on French soil”, Marion Maréchal also spoke on Tuesday evening on LCI on the idea of ​​taxing high wealth and super profits. “I am opposed to it,” she asked. And to justify: “Taxing the creators of wealth” would result above all in “dissuading companies from remaining on European soil”.

05/28/24 – 10:02 p.m. – Palestine, Ukraine and immigration… Here’s what to remember from Manon Aubry’s appearance on LCI

At the microphone of LCI, Manon Aubry called Emmanuel Macron to recognize a Palestinian state, but also to decree an embargo on the shipment of arms to the Jewish state. Asked about the integration of Ukraine into the EU, the head of the LFI list said he was opposed to this idea, believing that for enlargements to work, “social, fiscal and environmental harmonization is necessary”. On immigration, Manon Aubry deplored EU policy, “inhumane” and “ineffective” according to her. And to defend while some associate immigration with insecurity: “When we had to welcome Ukrainian refugees it went very well because we organized things”, also accusing the extreme right of having built this whole thing from scratch. resentment against immigration.

05/28/24 – 9:30 p.m. – Gaza, reindustrialization of Europe, Ukraine… What Glucksmann said in L’Événement

On the set of The Event, on France 2, the head of the socialist list for the European elections considered that “we must raise our voice in the face of Benyamin Netanyahu” and plead for the recognition of a Palestinian state. “There will be no peace until there are recognized Palestinian rights,” said Raphaël Glucksmann for whom “today, all promises are vague”. Then returning more to Europe, he said he was in favor of a Europe which was “respected” and which became “powerful”. So how can we build a powerful Europe? “We have a program. We want European ecological protectionism.”

Raphaël Glucksmann also explained that he wanted “Europe to once again become a continent of producers”. On Ukraine, he argued that Russian assets should be seized and “allocated to Ukraine.” In favor of Ukraine’s membership in Europe, he called for “the unification of the European continent”. Finally, Raphaël Glucksmann said he wanted to tax the richest, affirming that “this would bring in up to 200 billion euros per year”.
