Macron wrote a letter to the inhabitants of the archipelago – L’Express

Macron ready to go to the referendum on the reform

The President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron requested, Tuesday June 18, “the firm and definitive lifting of all roadblocks” in New Caledonia and “the condemnation of violence without pretense” in a letter sent to Caledonians.

“The situation in which New Caledonia has been reduced by a few remains unacceptable and those who encouraged it will have to answer for their actions,” wrote the head of state who visited the site on May 23.

READ ALSO: Financially, New Caledonia is up against the wall

Recalling that he decided not to convene a Congress to adopt the constitutional electoral reform project at the origin of the May riots, the president calls “for the constitution of a new Caledonian social contract”. “This dialogue should naturally focus on the nature of the links that will be forged with France, links that unite without hindering, links of mutual solidarity,” he wrote. “It always takes more time to build than to destroy. But patience is always the condition of hope,” he concludes.

Schools reopened on Monday

A sign of a very slow return to normal after five weeks of unrest, schools reopened on Monday, as did Nouméa international airport, while the entry into force of the nighttime curfew was postponed from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. .

But, in its streets, the capital of the French territory of the South Pacific still bears the marks of violence: burned buildings, including schools, roadblocks of separatists, counter-blockades of non-independenceists.
