Macron “ready” to “go to war”? His announcements viewed with a negative eye by Russia and the opposition

Macron ready to go to war His announcements viewed with

Emmanuel Macron’s announcement of the supply of fighter planes created indignation in the other parties. For opposition leaders, this represents an important step by Paris in its support for Ukraine.

By announcing that France will deliver Mirage 2000-5s to Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron created a surprise and took an important step forward in the military support provided by Paris to kyiv in the face of the Russian invasion. Just three days before the European elections, the Head of State aroused the incomprehension of the oppositions with his declarations on France’s support for Ukraine, during his interview on 8 p.m. on TF1 and France 2, in the evening from Thursday June 6. In addition to combat planes, the President of the Republic added that France will provide training for kyiv pilots on French soil. A training by Paris, still on national territory, of a new light brigade of 4,500 men which will be equipped with French equipment was also announced. For Emmanuel Macron, “there should be no taboo on this subject”.

“New indecent declaration from the President of the Republic,” reacted the president of the Republicans on “The President of the Republic announces, without debate with Parliament, to increase our presence in Ukraine. He is taking the risk, alone, of bringing France into war against Russia,” commented Fabien Roussel, national secretary of the French Communist Party.

A “desire for war”

Marine Le Pen denounced “that he is advertising it like this”. “After all, helping Ukraine of course, but coming to expose in an extremely precise manner the number of materials, is, I think, putting France and those who intervene in danger,” she expressed alarm. She suspected Emmanuel Macron of having “wanted a war”. “He is doing everything to try to aggravate the pressure which could lead to an escalation tomorrow,” she assured.

Russia reacts

President Emmanuel Macron’s statements on increased military support for Ukraine show that France is “ready to participate directly in the conflict”, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitri Peskov said on Friday. “Let’s say that Mr. Macron demonstrates absolute support for the Ukrainian regime and declares that the French Republic is ready to participate directly in the military conflict,” he said. He described the French president’s statements as “extremely provocative, increasing tensions on the continent and bringing nothing positive.”
