Macron places a trusted man with Attal in Matignon

Macron places a trusted man with Attal in Matignon

Emmanuel Moulin takes over as director of Gabriel Attal’s office in Matignon. The current Director General of the Treasury is a strategic choice for the Elysée.

“A first signal”, estimates a confidant of Emmanuel Macron to Politico. After the appointment of Gabriel Attal as Prime Minister, it is the turn of the members of Matignon’s team to take up their functions. The entourage of the new head of government confirmed on Wednesday January 10 that Emmanuel Moulin was taking over the management of Gabriel Attal’s cabinet. The current Director General of the Treasury is not placed there by chance: he has direct links with the Elysée.

Emmanuel Moulin is an expert in public finances. He worked in the offices of Christine Lagarde in Bercy, then of Nicolas Sarkozy at the Elysée. He was Bruno Le Maire’s chief of staff at the Ministry of the Economy from 2017. He is above all a close friend of Alexis Kohler, the eternal secretary general of the Elysée, in office since the arrival ofEmmanuel Macron at the Palace. They met on the benches of Sciences Po. “You will have difficulty finding a sheet of cigarette paper between the two,” confides one of their relatives to Figaro.

In a “pair” with Fanny Anor

This appointment “is clearly the choice of the Elysée”, estimates an executive advisor to Politico, even if a close friend of the president assures that the decision was taken “in agreement and appeasement” with Gabriel Attal. “Emmanuel Moulin has perfect knowledge of the functioning of the State, which the Prime Minister was able to observe when he worked with him as Minister of Public Accounts,” communicated the entourage of the head of government on Wednesday January 10.

Gabriel Attal still managed to impose his own choice, in the person of Fanny Anor, his chief of staff at the Ministry of Education. The one who followed him closely during the transfer of power will work in a “pair” with Emmanuel Moulin, said the Prime Minister’s entourage.
