Macron organizes a meeting dedicated to the ecological transition

Macron organizes a meeting dedicated to the ecological transition

While on the left, the union for the legislative elections is taking shape, Emmanuel Macron does not forget to reassure on the theme of ecology. This was the subject of a meeting organized this Wednesday, May 4 at the Élysée, with a dozen climate experts. One objective: to show that this five-year term will be placed under the sign of environmental protection.

With our special correspondent at the Élysée, Pierre Olivier

More than two hours of discussions and climatologists talking to the press on leaving the Élysée. Successful mission for Emmanuel Macron, who wanted to send a strong signal on ecology.

Ecology will also be transversal, and no longer confined to a single ministry. All of this, overseen by Matignon. A good point, for climatologist Corinne Le Quéré.

Of course, the responsibility, with the Prime Minister, of France’s climate action, that’s really very good. So that we really have management that is at the highest level, that is as operational as possible. Now it has to work and we have to speed up.

A key expression also emerged from this meeting: ecological planning. A term popularized by a certain Jean-Luc Mélenchon, and which consists of making different public and private actors work on the ecological transition.

Again, this is a step in the right direction, notes climatologist Jean Jouzel: “ This idea of ​​ecological planning, we understand that it is included in the next government in a very clear way. And so, now, it’s the action that will count. »

Just re-elected and five weeks before the legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron wants to show that he intends to put the ecological transition at the heart of his five-year term.

►Read again: Difficult negotiations between Macron’s supporters in view of the 2022 legislative elections
