Macron on TF1: an interview on Ukraine, taxes and pensions?

Macron on TF1 an interview on Ukraine taxes and pensions

Emmanuel Macron grants an interview to the 20 Hours of TF1, this Monday, May 15. The questions should relate to the war in Ukraine but also to taxation or pensions. If no announcement is planned, the speech of the Head of State will be scrutinized.

Accustomed to speeches, Emmanuel Macron lends itself to the game of the interview this Monday, May 15. The Head of State will answer Gilles Bouleau’s questions live on the set of 20 Hours of TF1, but neither the television channel nor the Elysée have leaked the themes that will be discussed. However, it appears that the war in Ukraine will take a large part in the exchanges with the President of the Republic. Sunday evening, the day before the interview, Emmanuel Macron received and spoke with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky and if the palace has already issued several decisions taken by the presidency on the dispatch of public weapons, the head of the State could provide details this evening.

After speeches and an interview given at the end of March on pension reform, Emmanuel Macron is still working to turn this page and move forward on other political fronts, particularly economic. Travel to promote reindustrialization, promise of a tax cut in the columns of Opinion… The Head of State highlights new subjects to attract attention, but he should have trouble avoiding the subject of pensions during the TF1 newspaper. On these subjects, Emmanuel Macron’s speech will certainly be scrutinized, but announcements are not expected, barring a big surprise.

An interview with Macron focused on the war in Ukraine?

TF1, which welcomes Emmanuel Macron on its set this Monday evening, does not hide the fact that the war in Ukraine will take a significant place in the interview with the President of the Republic: “Military means, negotiations to reach peace with Russia, role of the France” should be mentioned. The subject seems to be essential the day after a three-hour interview between the head of state and his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky. Sunday evening, the Elysée has already lifted the veil on the decisions and commitments made by Emmanuel Macron concerning Ukraine: France has promised to equip “several battalions with dozens of armored vehicles and light tanks”, but refuses yet to provide the long-awaited fighter planes by Kiev. Clarifications on this decision and on the role that France wants to play in the resolution of the conflict could be requested.

A tax cut and the reindustrialization promised by Macron?

Domestic politics should also find a place during the interview with Emmanuel Macron and the Head of State took the lead before his speech on TF1. In a river interview granted to the newspaper Opinion, Sunday, May 14, he said he wanted to do more to help the middle classes by lowering taxes. “The taxation of middle-class income is too high and is accelerating too quickly. It crushes purchasing power gains between 1,500 and 2,500 euros. […] I’m talking about those who are too rich to be helped and not rich enough to live well. […] We must allow the middle classes to live better with their salary”, declared the President. This tax promise has been mentioned several times by the Head of State since his first mandate, this time would it be a way of reconquering the class? average after the painful page of pensions?

If the Elysée displays this objective to help the French, one of the priorities is above all to support the French economy with, among other things, a policy of reindustrialization. This Monday, before the interview, Emmanuel Macron is present in Versailles for the opening of Choose France, an investor summit during which 13 billion euros of investment must be announced according to the executive.

The subject of pensions avoided by Emmanuel Macron?

If Emmanuel Macron tries to make people forget the pension reform, he could not escape the journalist’s questions on this subject during the 20 Hours of TF1. Although promulgated, the reform has still not been accepted and a bill from the Liot group to repeal the pension reform must be examined by Parliament on June 8. A political decision which is not to the taste of the Head of State and considered symptomatic of the “denial of reality” of opponents of the pension reform according to his remarks in Opinion. “Some have claimed that the reform could be avoided, without saying what they were proposing instead,” the President told the newspaper.
