Macron-Le Pen, final trips before the verdict of the polls

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While Emmanuel Macron was this Friday in Figeac in the Lot for his last campaign meeting before the second round of the presidential election, Marine Le Pen was in Berck for a walkabout.

In Figeac, Emmanuel Macron wants to speak to rural France and reassure it. ” I tell you with great force : we will never let anyone down! Like we never let anyone down during the crisis “, he launches. As a promise of a better future at the last moment of his campaign.

After his 2017 commitment, “liberate and protect”, Emmanuel Macron now talks about liberating and planning, and sets a goal. ” I believe that we cannot ask for efforts, progress, if we do not redistribute. As we did during this crisis, as we will continue to do “.

Left accents and an attack on Marine Le Pen’s project, analyzes our special correspondent in Figeac, Valerie Gas. ” We will not unite the country by promising everything and financing nothing. We won’t win any battle over misunderstandings and lies », Says the outgoing president.

Faced with Marine Le Pen, Emmanuel Macron plays the card of reconciliation of the French. ” I find it great that we have, in a way, donors of lessons in benevolence and respect who are the daily slayers of hatred and division of the country! We carry a project for the future and benevolence! “.

Last walkabout for Marine Le Pen

At the same time, Marine Le Pen, who is lagging behind in the polls, was in Berck in the North for a last walkabout before the second round on Sunday. Last selfies, last hugs, last images… For the ultimate postcard of her campaign, Marine Le Pen played at home, in a department where the RN makes its best scores, reports our special correspondent at Berck, Julien Chavanne.

At the time of the balance sheet, Marine Le Pen gives herself the best score. Without any regrets after eight months of campaigning and around sixty trips. ” I thought about this question and I think we had a good campaign, the RN candidate congratulates herself. I met tens of thousands of French people, I spoke with them about all aspects of my project and I have no regrets in this campaign! “.

The candidate has confided it several times in private: her third battle for the Élysée was a ” true happiness “. Marine Le Pen led it in her own way with a small team devoted body and soul to her champion. ” I did the campaign I wanted to do and that’s already a great satisfaction, she confides. My personal situation doesn’t really matter to me. You see, you always talk to me about me, but “me” Does not interest me “.

Solely responsible for his campaign, Marine Le Pen will therefore be solely responsible in the event of another defeat on Sunday evening.

► To read also: French presidential election: what to remember from the Macron-Le Pen debate
