Macron formalizes the opening of 200 gendarmeries, other announcements on France 3?

Macron formalizes the opening of 200 gendarmeries other announcements on

Emmanuel Macron is going to Lot-et-Garonne, this Monday, October 2, to talk about security and unveil the map of the 200 new gendarmerie brigades expected in rural areas. He will also speak on 19/20 on France 3.

Emmanuel Macron is preparing to honor a campaign promise: that of opening new gendarmes in rural areas. The Head of State is traveling to Lot-et-Garonne, on the afternoon of Monday, October 2, to inaugurate the barracks installed in the town of Tonneins, about forty kilometers from Agen. This gendarmerie must be the first in a long series since “200 brigades, and even a little more” have been promised by the Elysée.

A strong announcement and one of which Emmanuel Macron is proud. He will also speak to France 3’s 19/20 news this Monday 20 during an interview “dedicated to security”. The Head of State will answer questions from the town hall square in Clairac, still in Lot-et-Garonne. The presidency should emphasize the “historic” efforts represented by these barracks openings with the creation of 2,144 positions out of the 8,500 promised by the end of the five-year term. She did not fail to put them in perspective of “more than 500 brigades were eliminated between 2007 and 2016”. More than the new gendarmes, Emmanuel Macron could expand on the objectives of the orientation and planning law of the Ministry of the Interior or on the needs and means committed to the 2024 Olympic Games.

“Between 1 and 4 new gendarmes per department”

If 200 gendarmerie brigades are promised, their locations are not yet known. The detailed map of these future barracks must be revealed by the Head of State this Monday, October 2, around 3 p.m. according to the local newspaper The Little Blue of Agen. All must be installed in rural or peri-urban areas, where the demand for local security is highly anticipated, and throughout France to leave no territory behind. “There will be between one and three or four brigades per department” whether in mainland France or in overseas territories “to strengthen the territorial network of the State” indicated the Elysée to AFP.

Some of these brigades will be fixed, installed in permanent premises and staffed by around ten gendarmes, but most of the new brigades will be itinerant and will have around six soldiers. The latter will travel between the different municipalities in the sector, they will allow the police to carry out daily security missions, to intervene more quickly and for citizens to file complaints. The first brigades will be installed in November 2024 and the others will follow until 2027.
