Macron announces a tribute to the French victims of Hamas on February 7 – L’Express

Macron announces a tribute to the French victims of Hamas

Emmanuel Macron announced, this Tuesday, January 16, the organization on February 7 of a tribute to the victims of the attack by the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas in Israel, and more particularly to the 41 French people who lost their lives on October 7.

READ ALSO: Gaza: where are the negotiations to free the hostages still in the hands of Hamas?

“On February 7, at the monument for the victims of terrorism” located on the Esplanade des Invalides in Paris, “I will pay tribute to these victims alongside their loved ones, their families and all those who want to join us there” , said the president during a press conference. This commemoration will take place 4 months to the day after the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7 in Israel.

The head of state recalled that France had “lost 41 of its children” in these attacks and that it had “three more hostages” in the Gaza Strip. “We are fighting step by step with the Israeli authorities, with Qatar, which has a decisive role in this matter, with several other colleagues to free them.”
