Macron and Zelensky will discuss kyiv’s needs vis-à-vis Russia in Paris – L’Express

a support conference for kyiv organized in Paris this Monday

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Tuesday that Russian forces were focusing their attacks on the eastern region of Donetsk and not on Kharkiv in the northeast, the target of an offensive launched last month. “Most of the fighting and the most massive attacks are taking place in the Donetsk region. In fact, this is where Russian attacks are concentrated,” Volodymyr Zelensky said in his daily message on social networks. Russia claimed annexation of this region in 2022, even though it did not have total control over it.

Information to remember

⇒ Macron and Zelensky will discuss Friday in Paris

⇒ Biden will meet Zelensky in France

⇒ Lavrov vilifies “the West” from Africa

Macron and Zelensky will discuss Friday in Paris

French President Emmanuel Macron will receive his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday at the Elysée, the day after the commemorations of the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy, in order to discuss “Ukraine’s needs” vis-à-vis Russia, the President announced on Tuesday. French presidency.

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“As Russian strikes continue to intensify on the front and on energy infrastructure, the two presidents will discuss the situation on the ground as well as Ukraine’s needs”, in the “extension of the Support Conference for Ukraine which was held at the Elysée on February 26”, it is specified.

kyiv welcomes the presence of Kamala Harris

kyiv welcomed Wednesday the announcement by Washington of the participation of American Vice-President Kamala Harris in the next summit on peace in Ukraine.

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“It is important news that the participation of US Vice President Kamala Harris has been confirmed at the peace summit to be held on June 15 and 16 in Switzerland,” said Andriy Yermak, the head from the office of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Biden to meet Zelensky in France and at the G7 in Italy

Joe Biden will meet his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky on the sidelines of the Normandy Landing commemorations, then at the G7 summit in Italy, the White House announced on Tuesday shortly after the American president’s departure for France.

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“During his trip to Normandy, he will have the opportunity to speak with President Zelensky to discuss the state of affairs in Ukraine and how we can continue to deepen our support for Ukraine,” said a Council spokesperson. national security officer, Jake Sullivan, aboard Air Force One.

Lavrov vilifies “the West”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, visiting Congo as part of an African tour, on Tuesday vilified “the West” and its supposed “objectives”, both in Ukraine and in Libya where he said he supported the organization of a reconciliation conference.

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“We support the initiative of President Denis Sassou Nguesso which aims to organize an inter-Libyan conference,” declared the head of Russian diplomacy to the press, after meeting in his stronghold of Oyo (center) the head of the Congolese state, president of the African Union high-level committee on Libya.
