Macron 2023: and now pensions!

Macron 2023 and now pensions

Pension reform is the most anticipated reform in 2023, the one that Emmanuel Macron failed to carry out in his first five-year term and the one that will show whether the president is still capable of reforming in his second. mandate.

This time, Emmanuel Macron will have to stick to it. He pushed back the deadline to January to let the holidays pass, but this is “THE” subject on which the French are waiting for him at the turn of the corner at the start of 2023. Pensions, everyone is talking about it and everything the world wants to know what sauce the French are going to be eaten: with béchamel 64 years, with hot sauce 65 years, or in a more or less digestible emulsion with an extension of the contribution period.

And even before knowing which scenario is chosen by the president, we are talking about a social movement. The unions are in the starting blocks. They warned, the postponement of the legal age is no. And if the government persists, they will call to take to the streets to protest. January could be a hectic month. A threat that we try to take with a little perspective in the majority. A senior Renaissance official does not rule out demonstrations but believes that ” We’ve been talking about pensions for a long time » and wants to believe that « the French are less worried than for the first reform presented by Emmanuel Macron. Denial or fine analysis? The next few weeks will show it.

Read also : The presentation of the reform by the French government postponed to January 10

“No right in the boots”

In the meantime, the government’s objective is to try to smooth things over, and first with the unions. ” There will be no right in the boots » as of the time ofAlain Juppe, we are told to describe the state of mind of the executive in the negotiation. This is what the time requested by Elisabeth Borne to the President: give the point to trade unions on certain topics described as “ sweet », understand those concerning redistribution and the social.

For the “ dirty “, namely the retirement age, it is on the political side in Parliament that the government will try to find compromises. And according to a minister, the scenario defended by the Senate, 64 years with acceleration of the Touraine reform on the contribution period, could serve as a basis for reconciling points of view with the Republicans, the group which can help the government to push through the reform.

Macron lost “the mojo”

Emmanuel Macron will play big with pensions while his ability to continue to reform questions, even in his camp. A former majority MP believes that the president has lost “ the mojo in other words energy. To have a chance to find it, he must not break his teeth on the retreats.
