M&A in Italy, record transactions in the 1st quarter but the value collapses

MA in Italy record transactions in the 1st quarter but

(Finance) – The number Of M&A operations with Italian involvement increased by 19% in first quarter of 2023, compared to a year ago, reaching the highest total for the first three months of the year in more than 40 years. This is what emerges from the data of Refinitiv Deals Intelligence, which show 432 deals in Q1 2023, against 363 in 2022 and 370 in 2021.

This is in the face of a decline in the value of operationsas M&A with Italian involvement reached $7.5 billion in Q1 2023, a 75% decline from Q1 2022 and the lowest Q1 total since 2012.

In the first quarter of 2023, $2.3 billion worth of trades were carried out with a Italian target88% less than the value recorded in the same period of 2022 and the lowest first quarter total since 1997 (despite the jump in the number of transactions of this type to 352).

The operations of Inbound M&A which involved a foreign buyer they decreased 87 percent to a fourteen-year low of $878.2 million, despite posting the second-highest first-quarter deals of all time.

L’National M&A Italian trade reached $1.4 billion, an 88% decline from 2022 levels, but with the highest number of Q1 deals of all time (214 deals).

The operations of Outbound M&A Italian companies totaled $2.1 billion in the first quarter of 2023, a 77% decline from the first quarter of 2022 and a three-year low.

A note of LSEGof which Refinitiv is a part, highlights that in March Is in the signed an agreement to sell its business in Romania to the Greek state-owned Public Power Corp for $1.3 billion, the largest operation with Italian involvement so far in 2023.

BNP Paribas instead he took first place in the ranking of financial advisors for mergers and acquisitions with Italian involvement in the first quarter of 2022, followed by Goldman Sachs.

(Photo: © macgyverhh/123RF)
