M members want Thornberg to be replaced

M members want Thornberg to be replaced

Published: Less than 20 min ago

Updated: Just now

full screen National Police Chief Anders Thornberg. Archive image. Photo: Pontus Lundahl / TT

Several M members want Anders Thornberg to resign, reports SR Ekot.

But Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) continues to have confidence in the national police chief.

The information that M members also want Thornberg to be replaced is new to Strömmer.

– I’m hearing them for the first time. I see it as an expression of a great commitment to the Swedish police, he says.

It is unclear how many members this is about. None of them appears by name.

“I have the opinion that he needs to be replaced,” says one member, who refers to the fact that the police solve too few crimes despite the authority receiving large sums of money in recent years.

That discussion is justified, the Minister of Justice believes.

– With that, of course, follows a justified expectation from the citizens that more crimes will be resolved and, in the best case, also prevented and prevented.

The government’s cooperation party SD has also demanded that the national police chief resign.

– Either you have trust or you don’t, and you have trust until the moment you possibly say that you have a different opinion. But I have confidence, says Strömmer.

The M members in turn state that they have confidence in Strömmer’s way of handling the issue.
