M in Sölvesborg backs down on refugee proposal

M in Solvesborg backs down on refugee proposal

Published: Just now

full screen The moderates’ group leader in Sölvesborg, Kith Mårtensson. Archive image. Photo: Magnus Lejhall/TT

The moderates in Sölvesborg will stop several proposals about the reception of refugees that they themselves helped to develop during the previous government together with the Sweden Democrats, reports P4 Blekinge.

The proposals concern, among other things, that Sölvesborg should challenge the Migration Agency’s right to place asylum seekers in Sölvesborg, that refugees should be placed in housing outside the municipality and be able to be accommodated in caravans.

A few weeks ago, the Moderates voted for the proposals. When the council meets on Monday, the party will vote against the strategy.

– We have not changed our mind. These are documents that have been produced in discussion where you have had to give and take as you have to do when there is more than one person who has to produce something, says Kith Mårtensson, group leader in the Moderates to the radio.

– We have been able to take care of the designated refugees we have received very well.

M broke the collaboration with SD after the election this year and now governs together with S, C and the local Sölvesborg and Lister party. Mårtensson and the Moderates have been exposed to both hate and threats after the decision.
