Lyme disease: what are the symptoms?

Lyme disease what are the symptoms

Lyme disease includes early symptoms, such as erythema migrans, and others that appear later, in a phase where the disease can take hold over time. Sometimes confused with other pathologies, the disease can be difficult to diagnose.

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The Lyme disease is a bacterial infection transmitted by the tick bite of the kind Ixodes. The bacterium responsible for Lyme disease is called Borrelia burgdorferi. the diagnostic aims to highlight this bacterium by cultures, by PCR or by the presence of antibodies.

The only treatment currently available is antibiotic (amoxycillin, cyclin). Still it is necessary that the symptoms evoke, to eyes of the doctor, this disease so that he prescribes the right treatment.

Symptoms of Lyme Disease in Men

According to the website of theHealth Insurancethe Lyme disease has three phases:

  • in the first month following the bite tick, a circular redness appears which starts from the center of the bite and moves away from it in a crown: this is theerythema migrans. There may also be fever, headache and lymph nodes. Antibiotic treatment is recommended when these symptoms appear, but many patients have no symptoms,
  • in the absence of treatment during the early phase, complications can occur in the following months. They are cardiac (palpitations), ophthalmic (blurred vision), neurological (facial paralysis, encephalitis), articular (pains). It is in this phase that the disease can become chronic,
  • in a third phase, there may be joint symptoms (flare-ups of arthritis), damage to the nervous system and skin lesions.

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