Lydie Salvayre, the savior – In G major

Lydie Salvayre.

Between shadow and light, there is Lydie Salvayre. From book to book, the gloomy, the blackness of the world, the shadow is mocked by the radiant, the luminous, the possible destiny. Maybe that’s what being the daughter of Spanish Republicans who took refuge in France: it’s turning the Mektoub upside down, turning the land upside down, turning the language upside down.

Read Lydie Salvayre is life-saving, not just because it sounds good. To read this mocking lover is to stroll through the duality of ourselves and of language, between the beautiful spoken word and the popular spoken word. It is to become familiar with the figure of the foreigner (not cryPrix Goncourt 2014), is to fly to the aid of Don Quixote (see Dream standing) and it is to hide a very contemporary virus, called success, see to its Irrefutable essay of successology which has just appeared in Le Seuil.

The musical choices of Lydie Salvayre

Billie Eilish bad guy

Stromae Health.
