Luossajoki heavily polluted: “Needs some kind of cleanup”

Luossajoki, is a stream in Kiruna municipality, which stretches from Luossajärvi and flows into Torneälven. But the stream is heavily polluted and large operations such as the mine, the heating plant, the waste plant and the sewage treatment plant means that the lake is heavily loaded.

– There are several subjects that go beyond the assessment bases that exist. It is difficult to see what measures can be put in place, but some form of clean-up is needed, says Sara Elfvendahl, water officer at the county administrative board in Norrbotten.

And it has now gone so far that the pollution in Luossajoki has begun to affect urban mobility and can endanger construction and projects in Kiruna.

“Need to get an analysis done”

Parts of the watercourse are classified in the worst class both in terms of ecological and chemical status. And according to the law, the status of such a watercourse must not deteriorate.

– You need to get an analysis of which sources contribute the most and which faucets can be tightened, which emissions can be minimized and at what price, says Elfvendahl.

The municipal board is the water authority in the municipality. Already three years ago, it was raised that an action plan needed to be drawn up, but since then nothing has happened.

Now municipal councilor Mats Taaveniku (S) promises that the matter should be dealt with fairly immediately.

– An action plan will be drawn up in the autumn. Our ambition is to have clean waterways in Kiruna municipality. That’s where we stand and we now take our responsibility when it comes to Luossajoki, he says NSD.
