Lunatic: symptoms, test, is it a disease?

Lunatic symptoms test is it a disease

A person who suddenly changes his mood for no reason is said to be moody. Is it a psychiatric disorder? How to recognize a moody person? How do I know if I’m moody?

Definition: What is a moody person?

They say a person is moody when she suddenly and frequently changes mood and character. We must nevertheless distinguish this seesaw behavior (mood swings) from true bipolar disorders (formerly manic-depressive disorders) which are recognized psychiatric disorders.

What are the symptoms of a moody person?

A moody person is characterized by several factors:

  • A sudden change in mood, can move from joy to sadness, anger, or fear;
  • the inability to control mood swings;
  • the absence of suffering personal;
  • the absence of obvious causes for these changes.

In general, the moody person does not control his variations of emotions which do not always depend on his environment. On the other hand, unlike mood disorders, the moody person does not particularly present psychological suffering.

Why am I moody?

The causes of lunatic disorder are still misknown. “These mood variations may have their origins in a mood and/or personality disorder. But it is not necessarily a psychiatric disorder.” replies Professor Saoud.

Even if the moody person lives very well with this characteristic, those around him must often demonstrate patience, kindness and understanding. “If one is described as moody and there is a socio-familial-professional impact, it is probably a psychiatric disorder and the advice of a psychiatrist may be useful,” specifies our interlocutor.

What are the illnesses associated with the moody person?

Being more of a personality trait, the moody person does not present any pathology. On the other hand, after difficult moments on a psychological level, it can more frequently develop certain pathologies such as:

  • bipolar disorder;
  • depression, melancholy, suicidal thoughts;
  • cyclothymia.

“In this case, it is advisable to consult a psychiatrist to look for a mood disorder requiring drug treatment and psychotherapy” insists Professor Saoud.

“If the patient who suffers from bipolarity must be followed by a psychiatrist and take appropriate treatment To stabilize their mood, lunatics generally don’t really need to be monitored or take treatment.” assures the specialist. The lunatic can manage himself if he is aware of his slight excesses of temper. For people who ruin their lives with their mood swings, it is possible to follow behavioral therapies. Regarding medications, antidepressants or mood stabilizers such as lithium may be prescribed.

What is the difference between moody and bipolar?

In the lunatic, these variations of mood do not depend on control, will or external events. Because in most cases, it is a personality and character trait. On the other hand, thebipolarity is a psychiatric illness : it presents phases of mania (hyperactivity, irritability and joy) alternating with phases of severe depression (melancholy, suicide attempt and social isolation). “These periods of mental instability last several days each and can have repercussions social, family and professional”, explains Professor Mohamed Saoud. “This is not the case moody subject who is well integrated into society and with good social and family relationships.”

Thanks to Professor Mohamed Saoud, head of the Adult Psychiatry department at the Hospices Civils de Lyon.
