Lumps under the nipples in men: when to worry?

Lumps under the nipples in men when to worry

At puberty, irregular hormone production can cause the adolescent’s mammary gland to develop. The phenomenon usually disappears on its own within a few months. What to do in case of lumps under the nipples in men? What are the causes ?

How do lumps under the nipples appear in men?

It’s here puberty which starts like this. Those are prolactin surges which will act on the breast, which can cause pain to the adolescent, but above all will worry him. You have to reassure him“, explains Dr Sylvain Mimoun, andrologist and sexologist. It is a hard lump under the nipple, which can manifest unilaterally or on both sides at the same time. “If the ball is one centimeter or less, it’s common and everything will be back to normal. If it is large, you will need to identify the cause and see if you can reduce its size.“, explains the practitioner.

What causes lumps under the nipples in men?

Adipomastia designates a fatty mass while gynecomastia describes an enlargement of the breast, generally for hormonal reasons“, explains Sylvain Mimoun. In adolescents, gynecomastia may appear if estrogen is secreted before, or in greater quantity than, testosterone. The phenomenon can also appear in adult man at the time of andropause. It could also be a minor cyst. However, it is important to make sure that it is not cancer. “A lump in the breast can reveal breast cancer, but in very small proportions“, reassures the practitioner.

When to consult in case of lumps under the nipples?

If the man feels uncomfortable to the point of no longer being able to go shirtless, go to the swimming pool, or feel significant pain, he may need to consult“, adds the andrologist. It is the same if the size of the ball is very large.

How to diagnose lumps under the nipples in men?

We always start with a visual examination, then a clinical examination, by palpation, explains Sylvain Mimoun. Depending on the size, shape, appearance and consistency of the lump, the doctor may possibly prescribe a mammography to determine if it is a fatty deposit or a breast enlargement.

What are the treatments for lumps under the nipples in men?

If gynecomastia usually goes away on its own within a few months, it is possible to consult a doctor to determine the precise causes. “If it persists, we can treat the problem by the application of local hormonal treatment, composed of androgens, male hormones“, explains Sylvain Mimoun. To reduce pain, the doctor may also prescribe pain relief creams. After which, as in the case of adipomastia, a cosmetic surgeon will be able to perform a liposuction to remove excess fat mass and thus resolve the unsightly discomfort.

Thanks to Dr Sylvain Mimoun, andrologist, gynecologist and sexologist.
