Luleå’s snowplows are ready for the large amounts of snow that will fall tonight

SMHI has issued a yellow weather warning for the heavy snowfall, which can mean up to 20 centimeters of snow, which can affect traffic, among other things.

To think about

SMHI fears that journey times may be longer due to slippage, poor visibility and snow and calls for more time to be set aside for journeys and to adjust speed to road conditions and visibility.

It can be difficult to get around in traffic due to snow on the roads, traffic accidents or stationary vehicles.

There is also a risk of delays or canceled departures in public transport.

At temperatures close to zero degrees, there can also be disturbances in electricity and telecommunications networks in areas with overhead lines.

The snow islands ready

– It will last until Friday, but we have a plan to keep the streets decent in the meantime, says section manager Patrik Ruumensaari at Luleå municipality.

He also points out that this is normal for the snowplows with such large amounts of snow and that they will fix it.
