Lula became president of Brazil: vowed to end Amazon logging

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In his speech, Lula harshly criticized Bolsonaro’s administration. According to Lula, it ruined the country’s healthcare, education and nature conservation.

19:33•Updated 21:48

Brazil’s new president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva has taken the oath of office. In connection with the change of power, there was a big public celebration in the capital of Brazil, where tens of thousands of Lula’s supporters showed him their support.

The situation in the country is currently exceptionally tense. The president who lost the election, a rightist Jair Bolsonaro unlike Brazilian traditions, did not participate in the change of power ceremony.

For months, Bolsonaro’s supporters have also demonstrated violently against the leftist Lula’s rise to power. Bolsonaro’s supporters have called for the military to take power and prevent Lula from becoming president. The army is holed up in its barracks.

In his speech, Lula harshly criticized Bolsonaro’s administration, which, according to Lula, has ruined the country’s healthcare, education, nature conservation, and returned hunger to Brazilian families. In addition, Lula accused Bolsonaro of undermining the country’s democracy.

Lula promised to improve the conditions of poor Brazilians and equality. He also promised to stop logging in the Amazon forest.

Before the handover ceremony in the capital, a man was arrested who tried to disrupt the event. He had a bomb with him.

Read more about Brazil’s new president here.

Sources: AFP, Reuters
