Lukas Hradecky has his own version of Cristiano Ronaldo’s absence: “They say he didn’t dare to play against us” | Sport

Lukas Hradecky has his own version of Cristiano Ronaldos absence

Huhukjat will face Portugal in a training match on Tuesday. The Finnish team is accompanied by German double champion Lukas Hradecky. Cristiano Ronaldo is missing from the opponent’s lineup.

Kamilla Rajander,

Samu Saatsi

Huhukjat will face Portugal in the national soccer match on Tuesday, June 4. ‘s live broadcast of the match starts at 21:34.

The soccer goalkeeper who recently celebrated the German double championship Lukas Hradecky the summer continues in the national team jersey, when the Huuhkajat will face Portugal on Tuesday and then Scotland on Friday in their training matches.

– It brings a smile to the face to talk about the whole season in general and what all it has contained. This week, we are still trying to take care of it, Hradecky told Urheilu on Monday in Lisbon, Portugal.

The recent doubles champion says that he also received a little acknowledgment from his teammates.

– Actually, I came to the only meeting of the day a minute late. Then it came that ‘yeah, double champions can come’, Hradecky revealed with a laugh.

For Portugal, who are playing in front of their home crowd, Tuesday’s match against Finland is part of the preparation for the European Championships that will start in Germany in a couple of weeks. Finland has no real contribution in the match either. According to Huuhkajie’s first goalkeeper, the team’s goal for practice matches is to try to learn how to perform as well as possible for the team against tough opponents.

– Let’s save the miracles for more meaningful games, Hradecky said.

Hradecky considers Portugal one of the favorites to become European champions.

– It goes without saying that our defensive end has to remain intact, and I probably have to catch a few situations as well. Then we’ll see how free and relaxed Portugal will be. However, they have more important matches coming up, so maybe they won’t weigh too much, Hradecky anticipates Tuesday night’s match.

Ronaldo is out of the lineup

On Monday, it was reported that Cristiano Ronaldo not included in Portugal’s lineup against Huuhkaji. The Portuguese Football Federation wanted to give those who play in the Saudi Arabian Football League to Ronaldo and For Ruben Neves a one-week break before the two join the national team’s EC camp.

Hradecky had his own view on the reason for the star player’s absence.

– I hear it didn’t dare to play against us. However, I see us as big favorites for this game. Maybe he understood the severity of the situation, Hradecky said with a sweet laugh.

Hradecky got its own title field

While Huuhkajat were preparing for the Portugal match, the opening of the new Lukas Hradecky field was celebrated in Runosmäki, Turku. Huuhkajie’s goalkeeper was proud of his home field and planned to go see it as soon as he had time to go to Varsinais-Suomi from his national team duties.

– You can go there to kick, enjoy and be together with friends, Hradecky said, hoping that the field will remain clean.

– It’s great that we got a good platform, which probably enables a little more players to play there.
