Luka Zatravkin, son of famous Russian painter, handcuffed himself to McDonald’s door

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, many countries around the world reacted to the attacks and imposed heavy sanctions on Russia. While many global brands showed the same reaction and stopped their activities in Russia, the US-based food company McDonald’s started to close all its restaurants in Russia.


Luka Zatravkin, son of the famous Russian painter Nikas Safronov, who holds the Russian administration responsible for this situation, handcuffed him to the doors of McDonald’s branch in Pushkin Square in the capital Moscow. During his protest, pianist Zatravkin, who came to the fore with his 270-pound body in the country, said, “There is no need to shut them down. What are the reasons for closing them? This is hostility towards the entire Russian people, it is an act of violence.”


Meanwhile, while many people watched the protest, the police in the region went to Zatravkin. While the police intervened in Zatravkin’s protest, a policeman removed the handcuffs that Zatravkin had tied himself to the door. Later, the police detained Zatravkin and took him to the police station. (UAV)
