Luiss: tomorrow the event “Like a Wave, Against violence against women”

Luiss tomorrow the event Like a Wave Against violence against

(Finance) – A year-long local event to promote women’s values ​​and rights. A national campaign of Rai Radio1with particular attention to schools and young generations, in collaboration with theLuiss University. This is the objective with which it will start marathon entitled “Like a Wave, Against Violence against Women” Wednesday 6 March from 9.00 am at the University named after Guido Carli, engaged throughout the week in a widespread 8 March: a series of lessons and meetings also open to the external public which also includes the event promoted by Rai Radio1 and which will open with speeches by: Paola Severino, President of Luiss School of Law and former Minister of Justice, Francesco Pionati, director of Rai Radio1 and GRR, Roberto Natale, director of Rai for Sustainability, Kàrina Laterza – president of the Equal Opportunities Commission Rai of Copeam (Permanent Conference of the Mediterranean Audiovisual), Roberta Balzotti coordinator Cpo Usigrai and Alessandra Costante, Secretary of the National Press Federation.

A day to look at problems and contradictions of what is asocial emergency, however, also shining a light on everything that institutions and associations can do to ensure that women do not feel alone. An event designed especially for the younger ones, in fact over 130 students from five different Roman schools and two other institutes will be present, in connection. In fact, the meeting can also be followed in video streaming on RaiPlay, the live video will be filmed by the Rai Radio1 social channels and the Rai Radio1 programs will open windows to tell part of the day. The GR parliament will propose the work again in the days following the initiative.

For the occasion, the message that Pope francesco carried out last November, to launch the campaign against violence against women.

Among the topics addressed: methods of communication, often steeped in stereotypes and clichés that risk giving a distorted interpretation of the phenomenon. The following will talk about it: Emiliana De Blasio, Rector’s Delegate for Diversity & Inclusion and Professor of Sociology of Communication and Gender Politics at Luiss; Elisa Giomi AgCom Commissioner and professor at the Roma3 University of sociology, media and communication and Laura Sabatin former director of Istat. Moderator: Elena Paba, journalist and coordinator of the Radio Uno campaign.

Then there is room for the interventions of Valeria Valenssenator, former president of the Feminicide Commission and Eleonora Di Benedetto, lawyer and advisor to the Severino Foundation, which is responsible for providing support to prisoners through training courses, workshops and a counseling service from which various research activities arise.

In this dialogue among exponents on the front line in the protection of women’s rights, the function of Judiciary and gods Centers anti-violence which will be discussed with the deputy prosecutor of the Public Prosecutor’s Office at the Court of Tivoli Andrea Calice, pool coordinator who deals with violence against women; the criminal lawyer Francesca Garisto, vice-president of Cadimi Casa di Accoglienza for abused women in Milan; Ilaria Boiano, lawyer, feminist activist and member of the legal office of the Differenza Donna association.

The gaze will broaden to the world, with the presence of activists Shiva Boroumand and Parisa Nazari of the Donna Vita Libertà movement, which defends the rights of Iranian women and with Cinzia Spanò, actress, author and activist of Hamlet/MeeToo Movement.

Finally, the task of the average called to describe, correctly and objectively, the multiple aspects of violence against women. Hence the importance of specific training for journalists, which will be discussed by: Stefano Ferrante, Roman Press Secretary and parliamentary journalist on La7 news, Mara Pedrabissi, Equal Opportunities Committee of the FNSI, Roberta Lisi, Secretary of the Giulia Giornaliste association, and Vanna Palumbo president of the Roman Press Equal Opportunities Committee.
