Luis Enrique, barefoot and shirtless

Luis Enrique barefoot and shirtless

Perhaps not all of them, but many of the things that he has been doing Luis Enrique in the last year and a half have had to do with the world. Even if it has been necessary, anticipating the time of youth What Peter, in the European Championshipeither Gavi on the F4 of last October. Whether or not you decide to leave when January arrives, the Qatar World Cup He has always been in the focus of the selector. Now, he even discovers himself: “It is true that my calls are becoming more predictable” …. he already has the block. The focus of the World Cup is gigantic; and Luis Enrique has experienced it as a player with frustrations that mark, whatever the circumstance. In USA it was an elbow; in France the penalty of not passing the first phase; and in Korea by a referee and an assistant whose name no one wants to remember…

Luis Enrique has already done things as a coach that he never achieved as a player: win a Champions, cross the river of the quarterfinals in the European Championship with the National Team. It was interesting to hear him say yesterday in Seville that the players, at this point, “already see the door of the holidays”. This time it is different. In other circumstances, the sacred cows would already be resting, but the Selection has already activated the World mode. On Tuesday, in the roses, the only one who was barefoot and shirtless on the pitch was the coach. The players took extra penalties to earn a place in Qatar.
