Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Review

Luigis Mansion 2 HD Review

Why not write about the game we fell in love with on 3DS and it comes to Switch? Here we are with Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Review.

Luigi’s Mansion 2 was originally released for 3DS and is now back in HD on Nintendo Switch. So is this remastered version really worth a look? Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD review.

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Review / Switch

We first reviewed Luigi’s Mansion 2: Dark Moon on Nintendo 3DS. The story begins with Luigi being tasked by Professor E. Gadd to hunt down ghosts and save the day. The game has humorous horror elements and offers a fun story that everyone can enjoy.

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Review / Switch

In the opening cinematic, Professor E. Gadd is seen investigating friendly ghosts in Evershade Valley. However, King Boo appears and splits the Dark Moon into five pieces, hiding them in different areas of the valley. Luigi must explore five different mansions to collect the pieces of the Dark Moon.

Gadd, who gives us the news, gives us a flashlight and a Nintendo DS, which is used as both a communication device and a map, before setting off. With these helpers, we must solve the mysteries and reunite the Dark Moon to calm the ghosts.

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD is exactly what you’d expect from its name. Content-wise, it’s the same game you played on the 3DS a decade ago. That comes with both positives and negatives. However, this time around, the game is split into several different mansions. Each has its own unique visual theme.

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Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Review / Switch

We’ll visit five different mansions in turn. Navigating the mansions means solving puzzles, fighting ghosts, and uncovering secrets, of course. Much of the challenge of the game comes down to figuring out how to get where you’re trying to go. Each mansion is filled with locked doors and secret passages, making exploring your surroundings a key part of each mission.

At first the missions are very short and a bit boring. However, after doing a few missions your goals become broader and you are free to explore the mansions more extensively. You also return to previous missions later to find hidden targets and see if you can beat your previous score. When you visit the same area multiple times, everything changes a bit each time to fit your current goal.

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Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Review / Switch

Wandering around, sucking up ghosts, cobwebs, and money is a simple joy, even if I never quite got comfortable with the controls. Stairs become ramps, hallways become conveyor belts, and rooms shift and grow in unexpected ways. Each of the houses feels like you’ve entered a new Haunted Mansion Disney ride, and each has its own unique style and theme that deserves recognition.

Nintendo Switch Transition and Innovations

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD is coming to Nintendo Switch as a remaster of the original 3DS version. This transition has made significant improvements to the graphics and sound quality. New features have been added, such as Luigi using a DS system to communicate, since the Switch does not have a second screen. Additionally, ghosts have been relocated in some parts of the game, and new ghosts have been added.

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Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Review / Switch

Graphically, the game is a huge upgrade over the 3DS version. The colors are more vibrant and the details are clearer. However, compared to the excellent graphics of Luigi’s Mansion 3, this transition may not be enough for some players. The music, sound effects and limited vocal sounds are also really impressive. The fact that Luigi occasionally sings along to the songs is also a treat.

Gameplay and Multiplayer Modes

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD has a mission-based structure and is not as open world as Luigi’s Mansion 3. Although the game has an online multiplayer mode, unfortunately this does not apply to the story mode.

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Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Review / Switch

Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD plays a bit more like a portable game due to its 3DS origins, but the graphical and gameplay improvements make it worth a try on Switch. Thanks to the new additions and visual upgrades, the HD version of the game is a fun and spooky experience.

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Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Review / Switch

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Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD Review / Switch
