Lucie Castets, the NFP candidate for Matignon, is campaigning in the middle of the Olympic Games

Lucie Castets the NFP candidate for Matignon is campaigning in

While Emmanuel Macron has left Paris for his traditional vacation at Fort de Brégançon in the south of France, the pressure is being maintained on the left. The candidate for Matignon designated by the New Popular Front, Lucie Castets, is making numerous trips and giving interviews. The goal is to impose her name in people’s minds before the resumption of political hostilities in two weeks.

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The candidate of the New Popular Front (NFP) for the post of Prime Minister, Lucie Castetsappointed on July 23 by the four left-wing parties of the NFP – PS, PCF, LFI and Ecologists – went to Lille on Saturday, July 27. A first trip to meet shopkeepers and activists, before another planned for July 31, not to mention interviews galore. Lucie Castets is taking advantage of the holidays of most political leaders to occupy the field and give credibility to her candidacy for the post of Prime Minister.

The 37-year-old senior civil servant, who is committed to defending public services, said she is putting ” all his strength ” in the implementation of the NFP program. It is necessary to “ put more nurses in the hospital, put a teacher in every class, allow people to have judgments given quickly ” hammered home the one who was unknown to the general public just a week ago.

A major tax reform

The finance specialist, for example, seeks to assert her difference with the austerity promised by the presidential camp. In an interview given to the Sunday Tribuneshe promises a major tax reform if she is appointed to Matignon, targeting in particular tax exiles. Lucie Castets has also announced her intention to go ” seek tax and social revenues of 150 billion euros by 2027, in order to finance our program and reduce the deficit “It also confirms an expansion of ” wealth taxation ” and the return of the wealth tax.

The NFP ” does not have as its primary objective to respect the stability and growth pact “, says Lucie Castets. ” This one was poorly renegotiated. France will propose a new discussion “, she specifies. France was placed in excessive public deficit procedure by the European Commission, after having posted a deficit of 5.5% of GDP in 2023, a first since the suspension of budgetary rules in 2020 with the Covid crisis.

But Lucie Castets still wants to consider compromises to govern, a little tune intended to convince the left wing of Macronie and which has already found an echo. In an interview with World This Monday morning, Renew MEP Pascal Canfin raised the possibility of a head of government from the NFP, but only if the alliance of the left and the ecologists manages to extend a hand. The former ecologist also rejects an agreement between his camp and the right, which according to him could only hold with the tacit support of the National Rally.

Read alsoFrance: Emmanuel Macron says he will not appoint a new government before the end of the Olympics
