LRF warns of expensive “new normal”

1660239882 LRF warns of expensive new normal

Published: Less than 30 min ago

full screen This year’s grain harvest will be normal, according to the Swedish Board of Agriculture. Archive image. Photo: Jonas Ekströmer/TT

This year’s harvest is expected to be normal, according to the Swedish Agency for Agriculture. However, the National Farmers’ Union raises a finger of warning for “the new normal”.

5.5 million tons. This is expected to be this year’s total grain harvest, according to a press release from the Swedish Board of Agriculture. In the case of winter wheat, spring barley and oats, the crops with the largest area, it will even be higher than the average for the last five years. However, it is on par with normal if you go back over the last 16 years. Winter wheat accounts for 54 percent of the total grain harvest.

The figures, even though they are around the normal line, worry LRF, where chairman Palle Borgström says in a press release: “It is important that we are not below the average when we have such high costs for agriculture. A weak harvest makes it almost impossible to manage costs.”

Borgström also predicts that the increased price level of food is something we will have to live with going forward:

“Food has become more expensive and will probably never go back. We are putting ourselves at a level that will become the new normal.”
