Lower teacher salaries and ATA: ANIEF campaign on contractual holiday allowance

Lower teacher salaries and ATA ANIEF campaign on contractual holiday

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – The salary of many teachers and ATA will be reduced: as you remember School horizon, “since March regional and municipal surtaxes will be paid. Directions also for short substitutions”. About one million teachers and ATAs with permanent and fixed-term contracts with expiration dates 31 August and 30 June 2023, has in fact been applied tax adjustment with many cases of reduction of the amount due to the debit calculation (even very expensive). With the month of February 2023, the will also come into force new contractual holiday allowance: it is a small accessory element one-off, a sort of advance to be assigned only for 2023, to be paid for thirteen months, in the amount of only 1.5 per cent of salary, pending contractual renewals for the three-year period 2022-2024 which, as is known, they have all expired 11 months ago.

The problem – explains the ANIEF Union – is that the contractual holiday allowance assigned it should be ten times as much: the sum assigned in the paycheck ranges from 6 to 14 euros, depending on the professional profiles and the career level achieved, for an average that barely reaches 10 euros per month. “This increase should be on average almost 100 euros per month, because the law provides for it: in 2022 the cost of living was equal to 8.1%, then there is 2023, for which at least another 4.3% of inflation is expected: while our Research Office has calculated an increase in the same period of almost 15%. Anief then decided to proceed with a recovery partner from contractual holiday allowance ratefree of charge and without obligation, adequately updated and which therefore stands in open opposition to the application of a reduced rate in clear violation of the law”.

Anief recalls in a note that the cost of living adds to the problem of school workers who receive salaries which are annually missing almost 5 thousand euros compared to the average of the Public Administration and abysmally late compared to other European countries such as Germany and those from across the Channel. There is then also the problem that today in Italy the salary of precarious teachers or teachers hired in the first eight years of their career is lower to that of a worker who works in the construction field: if he receives an average of 1,600 euros per month, a graduate teacher placed in the initial salary range stops at less than 1,500 euros per month. Even in France the initial fees are not very high, but certainly not at the levels below the threshold of dignity that are assigned in our national territory: in the transalpine country, writes Le Monde, the salary of teachers, although decreasing, is always well above that of a construction worker.

“A teacher in Italy in 1993 earned 29 million lire: why – explains President Marcello Pacifico – the same teacher lost half his salary in 2023, given that he fetches an average of 29 thousand euros? This means that over the past 30 years school staff have lost nearly half the value of their paychecks. During the same period, a construction worker, on the other hand, had his salary almost doubled. And even the minimum wage has effectively doubled for other Italian workers”.

And precisely in this context it becomes indispensable to recover the full contractual holiday allowance provided for by law, to be assigned at least for the years 2022 and 2023: in fact, starting this month, a graduate secondary school teacher at the beginning of his career will be awarded the pittance of just over 9 euros per month, compared to the approximately 85 euros he should receive. Here because Anief has produced one notice to recover the “lost stolen” by creating a special internet page, through which to directly submit the request to join the recovery campaign – pending the signing of the CCNL 2022/2024 – of the indexation of the contractual holiday allowance paid monthly in salaries starting from 1 April 2022 according to the‘Nadef update for the 2022 planned inflation rate index and for the 2023 forecast rate.
