Low immune system causes shingles

Low immune system causes shingles

Shingles is a condition in which the surface of the skin, controlled by a single nerve, becomes infected by a virus called varicella zoster. Shingles can be seen in people who have had chickenpox before. It is not possible for people who have not had chickenpox to get shingles. Shingles usually begins as unilateral burning, stinging pain in the back and trunk, followed by redness, and fluid-filled blisters appear. A low immune system increases the risk of contracting shingles.

It usually occurs over the age of 50.

Assoc. from Medipol Mega University Hospital, Department of Dermatology. Dr. Filiz Topaloğlu Demir gave important warnings about shingles, also known as night burns among the people. Associate Professor. Demir said, “Although it usually occurs in people over 50 years of age, it can be seen in people of all ages who have had chickenpox before. Apart from the elderly, it is more common in those who have physical and emotional stress, those who have diseases such as leukemia and lymphoma that weaken the immune system, and those who use drugs that suppress the immune system. Although it usually occurs once in a lifetime, it can occur twice or more in rare cases when the immune system is suppressed.


Stating that the first disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus, a member of the herpes virus family, was chickenpox, Assoc. Dr. Topaloğlu Demir continued: “After the first infection, this virus remains hidden in the nerves coming out of the brain and nerve roots along the spinal cord for years, remaining inactive. This virus emerges for various reasons that lead to the weakening of the body defense system, that is, becomes active and creates the disease table called shingles. It usually starts as a one-sided burning, stinging pain in the back and trunk, followed by redness. Within days after the pain, small, fluid-filled blisters appear that cluster on this red patchy redness. These water bubbles, which may take an inflamed appearance in the process, dry out and crust over within 1-3 weeks. In severe cases, scars may remain when the wounds are secondarily infected with bacteria.”



Assoc. Dr. Topaloğlu Demir stated that the most important difference between shingles and shingles is that it does not spread to the whole body but is limited to one half, and said, “Areas such as the face, scalp, neck, hips are other areas where the disease is frequently seen. The diagnosis is usually made on the basis of clinical appearance and symptoms. Although very rarely, the disease may progress only with pain without rash, in which case it becomes very difficult to diagnose. In order to confirm the diagnosis, the presence of viral inheritance materials is rarely investigated by a method called polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This test is one of the most sensitive tests for shingles. In addition, biochemical analyzes can be performed to examine the presence and level of antibodies created by the immune system against the virus, or the liquid in the rash can be planted in the culture of varicella-zoster virus.

shingles is NOT a contagious disease


Noting that shingles is not contagious, Assoc. Dr. Filiz Topaloğlu Demir made the following assessment about the treatment: “The aim of treatment is to reduce the painful process, accelerate healing and prevent the spread of the virus to other parts of the body and organs in people with suppressed immune system. It is important to start the treatment within the first 3-4 days without delay in order to increase the effectiveness of the treatment and to reduce the pain known as ‘postherpetic neuralgia’ that may occur after the disease heals at the site of infection after shingles. Shingles is not a contagious disease, but chickenpox can occur in people who have never been infected with the varicella zoster virus (people who have not had chickenpox infection and have not been vaccinated). Patients should be warned about this.”
