Love is in the meadow: the 2022 portraits will soon be released

what we know about the 2022 season

LOVE IS IN THE PRE 2022. The date for the return of Love is in the meadow for the broadcast of the 2022 portraits has been announced by M6.

[Mis à jour le 25 janvier 2022 à 15h59] The next season of Love is in the meadow is becoming clearer. M6 will broadcast the portraits of this 2022 edition on Monday February 14, from 9:10 p.m. The opportunity for the faithful of the program to discover the farmers of this season 17 and, perhaps, to find a soul mate with one of them. The second salvo of the portraits should be broadcast the following week, Monday February 21, 2022.

This year, 9 men and 4 women, aged 24 to 72, are looking to live a romance thanks to Love is in the meadow. If you are interested in one of them, you can write to him at the following address: L’Amour est dans le pré – TSA 21234, 75070 Paris Cedex 02 or by email by connecting to the page “L’ love is in the meadow” on 6play. Do not forget to attach a recent photo of yourself and specify the name of the farmer to whom you are sending your letter.

The release date of the portraits of Love is in the meadow has been announced by M6. It is on Monday February 14, 2022 that the first candidates for this season 17 will be presented to viewers. The second part should be broadcast the following week, on Monday at 9:10 p.m.

It is of course possible to watch in replay the portraits as well as the episodes of Love is in the meadow after the broadcast on the TV program. To watch the episodes live or watch them again, just go to the website and also to the streaming platform. somersault, which airs each episode a week early.

The viewers of Love is in the meadow vibrate at the same time as the candidates each season. If some have found love for a long time thanks to the M6 ​​show, others have unfortunately separated from their suitors and suitors during or after the broadcast. Find out what happened to the farmers of the old seasons of Love is in the meadow by clicking on this link.

If you are a farmer and you want to try your luck in L’amour est dans le pré for next season, you can get in touch with the production via the following email address: [email protected] or by sending your application to this address: L’Amour est dans le pré TSA 21234, 75070 Paris Cedex 02. If you are interested in one of the farmers of this season, you must write to him at the following address: L’Amour est dans le pré – TSA 21234, 75070 Paris Cedex 02 or by email by connecting to the “Love is in the meadow” page on 6play. Do not forget to attach a recent photo of yourself and specify the name of the farmer to whom you are sending your letter.
