Lotte was offered 102,000 in monthly salary as a hired nurse

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Region Örebro could not raise the salary to the level demanded by their nurses at the IVA, this despite the fact that the region was simultaneously bringing in temporary staff for the same services for over SEK 100,000 a month.

Lotte Lindberg has worked as a nurse for 30 years. In 2015, she left her job at the infectious disease clinic at Örebro University Hospital. At the time, she had a salary of SEK 28,300 a month. Now she can get SEK 102,000 a month to go back to her old workplace again, if she works as a temporary worker.

– I know a number of people who resigned from IVA and the surgery clinic after they were refused a salary increase, says Lotte Lindberg, nurse.

In the clip above: This is how Region Örebro motivates hiring staff rather than raising wages
