Lotta Engberg about tough times – and important relationships

Together with Kicki Danielsson, Lotta Engberg and Elisabeth “Bettan” Andreassen made up the trio Kikki, Bettan & Lotta, which made a breakthrough in the Melodifestivalen in 2002. The song “Vem e’ de’ du vill ha” finished third in Melodifestivalen 2002, but has become a classic that many remember.

But Lotta and Bettan’s journey began back in 1983, and now after forty years as friends, Lotta looks back on the years that have passed and how it was when they first met during the production of Parnevik’s revue party at the China Theater so many years ago.

– She was a star, she was a prima donna, says Lotta about her friend. She was this good, soft, nice and mischievous – we had a quick change in a performance and then I would step out and she had filled my shoes full of shaving cream, Lotta says.

Divorce and death

But after forty years of friendship, you have time to share more than laughter. Lotta tells about a tough period where the two friends helped each other when they both experienced great sadness.

– I went through a painful divorce and then in the middle of all this, Bettan’s husband Tor dies, really shocking. And we talked a lot and things like this, and when six months had passed, we decided to go on holiday together where we could then continue crying but make happy memories and laugh together. And we did too.

The surprise in live broadcast

During the interview, Lotta is then surprised with a recorded greeting from the friend.

– Dear, dear, dear Lotta, there are so many nice things to say about you. You’re my best friend, you’re wise, you’re honest and you’re damn good at what you do, greets Betta in the clip

She continues:

– The two of us have shared joy, sadness and we have traveled around the world, we are having a fantastic time. And not only that, but our boys Mikael and Øystein have also become best friends. I love you and appreciate you very much!

The nice greeting does not leave Lotta unmoved.

– You are completely teary-eyed, says Tilde.

– Yes, I will be. Having friends you’ve been with for forty years, that’s rude. Friendship doesn’t grow on trees and you have to preserve it and take care of it, Lotta replies.
