Lost or stolen phone: the trick to getting your hands on it easily

Lost or stolen phone the trick to getting your hands

Having your smartphone stolen, forgotten somewhere or losing it puts us all in a stressful situation. If such a situation happens to you, here’s how to find it easily. The setting to activate now.

Our phones govern our lives, to navigate, pay for our purchases, book our vacations, and we store many documents there, including our banking details. Result: without our smartphone, we quickly feel lost! But sometimes, you forget it somewhere, lose it, or worse, have it stolen. So, before such a situation arises and to avoid total panic, here is what you should set up on your phone right now. A little technique that will allow you, when the time comes, to easily get your hands on it again.

Finding your phone is entirely possible by geolocating it. We know this, but most of us have not necessarily set up our smartphone to be able to use this feature if necessary. To get started, download the Google Maps app on your phone, if you haven’t already, or update the app, then allow location access. Check that location settings are correctly enabled by going to Settings > Privacy & Security > Location Services. If you’re on Android, just go to the “Location” setting.

Then share your location in real time. On the Google Maps app, click the profile icon, then choose the “share location” option to give your permission. You can then choose the sharing duration and a trusted person with whom you wish to share your location. The recipient will then be able to access, via a link, your position in real time on Google Maps, using a small blue dot on the map. It is also possible to obtain the address or speed of movement if the phone is moving. Particularly useful information in the event of loss or theft of your precious phone!

Finally, note that you can also choose to geolocate your friends via certain social networks. This is particularly the case on the Snapchat application, which allows you to see where your contacts are currently located around you.
