The story is worthy of a Christmas tale: aged only eight, young Tinotenda Pudu survived for five days among lions, leopards and elephants in a game reserve in northern Zimbabwe where he was lost, more than 20 kilometers from his village.
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Tinotenda Pudu owes his survival to his knowledge of nature: to escape the wild beasts of the northern game reserve Zimbabwe where he got lost, he took refuge on a rock, high up. To feed himself, he ate wild fruits that he found around him. And to drink, he dug small wells in the beds of dry rivers in order to find drinking water.
Found by forest rangers
To try to find him, every evening, the inhabitants of Nyaminyami, his village which is on the edge of the reserve, beat drums, in the hope that the young boy would hear them and find his way.
After five days, Tinotenda Pudu heard the sound of a car and ran towards it but, weakened, the child was unable to catch up: he unfortunately arrived too late and was only able to see the tracks. of a vehicle that was traveling off-trail. It was a group of forest rangers who, on their way back, noticed the child’s footsteps along their path. It was there that he was finally found and brought back to his village, safe and sound.
Also readColombia: children found in the jungle taken care of in a military hospital