Lost Hulk Director Reveals Stan Lee’s Surprising Wish

Lost Hulk Director Reveals Stan Lees Surprising Wish

Many MCU fans are still waiting for a Hulk solo film, but a good 45 years ago there was even a Hulk series of its own. At that time the pretty trashy looking production these days filmed with bodybuilder Lou Ferrigno as a bright green rage colossus. The series had 82 episodes in 5 seasons.

For the anniversary of The Incredible Hulk, creator and director Kenneth Johnson has now revealed many details about the creation. This also includes Arnold Schwarzenegger and a robotic bear (!).

Weird Details Revealed About The Making Of The Old Hulk Series

In the big inverse interview, the director says that the Hulk team first wanted Arnold Schwarzenegger to be the Hulk, even though he was too small for the role applied. The star was already busy filming Conan the Barbarian at the time, so he recommended fellow bodybuilder Lou Ferrigno. Eventually he got the role.

The director also has a funny anecdote about The Incredible Hulk about Stan Lee. The comic author of various Marvel projects was also involved in the production. In addition to the series, three other Hulk films were made in the late 80s, with the second one bear fight contains.

Stan Lee wished for a robotic bear for the scene at the time, which left Johnson puzzled. The director didn’t want an older target audience with one silly robo bears frighten, which Lee refused to see. Only later did the comic author give in and waived his initially urgent wish.

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Do you know the old Hulk series from the 70s and 80s?
