The MMORPG Lost Ark had problems with the “Powerpass” system in the last 4 weeks. This allows new characters to be heaved directly into the endgame. But the problem is not completely resolved. On MeinMMO we will show you what you should pay attention to now and what rewards are available as compensation.
Lost Ark is designed to raise multiple characters, because the different ways of playing offer high replay value. The MMORPG offers power passes for this: level and gearscore boosts that bring a character directly into endgame.
How the power pass works in Lost Ark: all the important details
You even get some for free from time to time, but you have to buy most of them.
But the system is broken and has been disabled for the last few weeks. Now it is being reactivated step by step and at least the free power passes are working again:
The purchasable passes are still disabled, but these two are now working again. For the system downtime, Lost Ark will jump some rewards to compensate.
We show you the requirements for the reward and the problems some players report after reactivation on MeinMMO.
You can admire the newest class “Arcanist” here in the trailer:
Lost Ark: Arcanist in the trailer
“Punika Growth Support Pack” – But not for everyone
How do I get the compensation rewards? Lost Ark describes 2 situations that qualify you for compensation:
The Punika Growth Support Pack provides the following items:
Be careful when accepting gold in Lost Ark – Even if you are innocent yourself, you can be banned
You should be able to find the items in your universal storage. By the way, to compensate, a power pass had to be in your inventory – a pass in the mailbox is not enough.
On Reddit, the reactivation is directly discussed (via For not being able to start a new character with a free boost for almost 4 weeks, some users find the reward lousy.
Warptwenty writes, “Would have expected more equalization to be honest”. Kessarean sees it similarly: “The compensation for this is a bit meager”.
In the same Reddit thread, some users are also having issues with Power Passes disappearing or not being redeemed properly.
If you used one of the free passes while the system was down, go to the character you want to boost and go to the Power Pass Options. Here you will find 2 fields with “Buy” and “Use” – press “Use” to use the lost pass.
Do you still have problems with the passports, write it in the comments – we will try to help you with it. If you prefer to read more about Lost Ark, then have a look here: The newest class in Lost Ark is so complex that it gets its own game