Vykas is the final boss of the second Legion Raid in Lost Ark. We at MeinMMO will explain to you how you can successfully complete all three boss phases and defeat Vykas.
With the June update, the developers of Lost Ark brought the second Legion Raid into play. In it you meet the demon Vykas, who is not too easy to defeat. You can find more information about the update in our separate article.
A special feature of Vykas is her “charm”, a new mechanic in Lost Ark. If you fall for their charm, you will lose control of your character and attack your party members.
What are the requirements? The boss is available in normal mode from item level 1430 and hard mode from item level 1460. In hard mode the boss does more damage to you and has more HP, but there is only one different mechanic that occurs in phase 3.
Check out the trailer for the new Legion Raid:
The Legion Raids are the most difficult battles in Lost Ark – see the terrifying attacks of the demoness Vykas
What are Legion Raids? You go into battle with a group of 8 players and have to go through several phases consisting of unique mechanics. After each phase you can leave the raid and return to the place later, they act as a kind of checkpoint.
At the end a commander awaits you, the boss of the raid. In this case it is Vykas.
Upon completing the Legion Raid, you will receive Legendary and Relic crafting materials, recipes, and gold.
Defeating Vykas – Stage 1
In the first phase of the battle, the raid group is split into two groups. Each fights a form of Vykas, human or demonic. When the boss’s health bar is at x30, the groups switch.
The difference between the human and demonic forms are the areas around them. You are safe in the purple area of the demon, while the red area of the human form deals damage to you.
Your group should position itself around the enemy, more precisely at 1,5,7 and 11 o’clock. Each group member stands according to a time.
Mechanics in the first phase
Depending on how many life bars Vykas has left, she performs her mechanics:
The Youtuber FRESHY shows the process in a video:
This time as a large group – Vykas in phase 2
After defeating the first part of the boss fight, you fight again as a large group of eight players. There are only two mechanics that you can wipe if you fail.
First Mechanic: The Shadow Clones
The boss performs the first mechanic at x120 bars. Here it is important to take the right position. Five of the players stand in the middle and form a cross, so to speak. Five orbs that you have to catch spawn in exactly these places.
The other three players position themselves at 11, 3 and 7 o’clock. You need to count the number of wings that Vyka’s shadow clones have.
This is how the mechanics work: Vykas teleports to the center and summons three shadow clones at 11, 3, and 7 o’clock. At the same time, the five orbs in the center appear in a cross shape.
The three players who have positioned themselves according to the times now look at how many wings each shadow clone has and remember the number. There are closed wings, one wing and two wings. The clone with one grand piano is mostly at 11 o’clock.
The five players in the center will see either a red or purple icon overhead. This will show you the order in which you must face the shadow clones to avoid taking damage.
There are two different options on how to rotate:
Position yourself as closely as possible on the shadow clone, as the safe zone is relatively small.
Second mechanic: only stop the black orbs
At x65 bars, Vykas disappears and summons three Shadow Clones at 12, 3, and 7 o’clock. Two players must position themselves on each of these squares. The other two players spontaneously help at the place where one orb spawns too many.
First, the shadows perform a small AOE attack that flashes either black or red 5x. You have to remember the order of the colors and write them in the chat. For example, if your AOE lights up like this: BLACK RED BLACK BLACK BLACK, you write 1-3-4-5. The blacks are the important ones who have to be intercepted.
After that, each clone sends 5 black orbs in the direction of the boss, which you have to intercept. And only the black ones.
In addition to the two important mechanics, Vykas performs other attacks, which, however, do not kill you if something goes wrong.
Incidentally, the difficult boss fights are just one reason why Lost Ark is so successful. You can see the others in our video:
The 5 reasons for the incredible success of Lost Ark
The third and last phase
In the final phase, you fight an upgraded version of Vykas from the second phase. She applies more attacks and does more damage to you.
In addition, her charm now comes into play. Each party member has a percentage meter overhead showing how much you’ve fallen for the commander’s charms. If it is at 100%, you lose control of your character and attack your fellow players.
On the minimap you can see golden orbs. Collect them to reduce the charm.
Mechanics in phase 3:
What do you think of the commander? Have you tried the Legion Raid yet and encountered Vykas? What phase did you make it to? Have you even defeated them yet? Write it to us in the comments here on MeinMMO!
More guides are available here: Lost Ark Guides: All tips, tricks and builds at a glance