Losing weight is not enough! The second part is more important: What should be considered?

Losing weight is not enough The second part is more

You can prevent this by gaining the right eating habits and adopting a healthy lifestyle during the dieting period. The most important thing is to ensure that the lost weight is permanent.

Diets made unconsciously without expert support can have a very bad effect on human health. For this reason, it should be done under the control of a specialist while dieting. When the target weight is reached after the diet, expert support should not be abandoned by thinking that everything is OK, and support should be continued during the weight maintenance period.


After losing weight, some hormonal and neurological changes occur in our body. The rate of metabolism slows down and the fat tissue stored in the body decreases. The brain sends signals to restore the body and replenish the emptied fat stores. It takes a certain time for the body to adapt to the new eating habits and lifestyle. Therefore, maintaining the lost weight can be challenging.


Well, now we have lost the weight and reached the target weight, now let’s look at what we should do to maintain your weight.

You should not skip meals. Start your day with a good and balanced breakfast. This prevents hunger and snacking during the day. Plan your other meals during the day. Try not to consume ready meals as much as possible. If you need to eat out frequently, find a suitable place that makes healthy food.

Choose your foods from the right foods. According to studies, being satisfied with the meal you eat helps to maintain your weight. Take care to choose fiber foods, fruits, vegetables, whole grain products and lean protein sources in your meals. Plan your grocery shopping for the home. Prepare a list of healthy foods before you go to the grocery store. Try to stick to the list as much as possible.

Never forget to drink water during the day. Always have a glass of water with you. Try to consume 8-10 glasses of water daily. Consuming enough water is important for your metabolic rate.


Eat your meals calmly and slowly. Do not watch TV or do any other work while eating. Focus on your food. This helps you be aware of the amount of food you eat and provide portion control.

Weigh yourself once a week and see your weight. This gives you motivation and awareness for weight maintenance. Of course, you can make small getaways and consume the foods you want. But you must be careful about eating in moderation. If you ate more than you should eat at one meal, you should balance it with the foods you consume at other meals and days.


You should pay attention to your sleep pattern. Sleeping less makes the body want to eat more. Also, going to bed late can make you hungry and have uncontrolled snacks at night.


You should not neglect to exercise. You should choose an exercise you like and do it 2-3 times a week. Exercising helps control your appetite and increases your body resistance. It also releases the hormone of happiness, reducing your stress and preventing you from experiencing emotional hunger. Make small habits to increase your activity throughout the day. For example, using the stairs instead of the elevator, getting off one stop before the stop, or dancing while doing your housework.

In order to maintain weight, it is necessary to make a habit of living a balanced and regular life. The energy you receive and spend; The carbohydrates, protein and fat on your plate should be balanced. The best diet is one that is sustainable and feels good. Adopting a healthy and quality lifestyle that is suitable for you will ensure that the weight you lose is permanent.
